Cities and Warlords Distribution
Warlords and Cities Distribution redirects here.
Not to be confused with Random Warlords and Random Cities.
WarLight automatically creates a random warlords distribution and random cities distribution for every map. This determines that the distribution will be random when the game is started.
However, many map designers include a warlords distribution and cities distribution manually by picking the territory in each bonus themselves. For most games, this is preferred since the map designer typically knows best where to place these. This has a few advantages:
- They allow each game to have exactly the same start, ensuring there is a single strategy per game
- In a fog game, players will know where the cities or start points will be, players can use this as a benefit provided that their warlord(s) or city(ies) got out-ranked by the opposition
These distributions are designed for maps whether or not bonuses overlap. If a map designer overlaps bonuses, these distributions won't produce unexpected results. This will mean that superbonuses won't affect the distribution of Warlords and Cites.
Warlords will have a starting location, even if any bonus that is worth at less than an army per turn.
Warlords Distribution
Warlords distribution is a normal distribution that allows a territory in each bonus on a map to be pickable during distribution.
Cities Distribution
Cities distribution is a normal distribution that allows all apart from a territory in each bonus on a map to be pickable during distribution.