Percentage attacks
WarLight allows players to enter attacks as a percentage instead of raw army numbers.
Note that the percentage is applied to the total number of movable armies when the attack occurs. Therefore, if you want to split a stack equally between two attacks, you should first issue a 50% attack order and then a 100% attack order.
For example, say you have a stack of 41 armies and you issue a 50% attack order. One army must always stay behind, so 40 armies are movable. 50% of 40 is 20, so 20 armies will attack.
21 armies remain on the territory. If your second attack also says 50%, only 10 of the remaining 20 armies will attack. Entering 100% for the second attack causes an even split, 20 and 20.
Percentage attacks default to on in multi-attack games, and off in games without multi-attack.