Advanced Diplo Mod

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Revision as of 02:18, 1 December 2017 by Avioane (talk | contribs)
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The Advanced Diplomacy Mod was created by user dabo1

Every player starts at peace with each other. There are 3 levels of peace status between players:

  • allied (to attack an ally, you have to cancel the alliance, wait a turn, then cancel the peace treaty, and wait another turn)
  • at peace (to attack someone you are at peace with, you have to cancel the peace treaty). This will take effect in 1 turn.
  • at war (the default status of Warzone)

Basic features

  • Declare war (if allied or at peace)
  • Offer peace (if at war)
  • Offer alliance (if at peace)
  • Cancel the alliance (if allied)
  • Pending requests: see a list of requests from other players
  • Mod history: see a list of trades, alliances, and war declarations. The list is not in order by turn. This is something dabo1 said will take too much memory to sort

Advanced features

  • Trading a territory (buying a territory for someone)
  • Money system.

Example games

See also