Mod API Reference:GameStanding
GameStanding: Represents the state of a game's map at a single point in time. This describes who owns each territory, how many armies/special units are on it, what cards each player has, and what cards are in effect.
- ActiveCards Array<ActiveCard>: Cards in effect.
- Cards Table<PlayerID,PlayerCards>: Cards each player has.
- Territories Table<TerritoryID,TerritoryStanding>: Who owns each territory and how many armies are on it.
- Resources Table<PlayerID,Table<ResourceType (enum),integer>>:
- IncomeMods Array<IncomeMod>: Mods can assign income mods here from the Client_GameOrderCreated hook in order to modify player's incomes on the first turn of the game. Modifying on later turns requires using GameOrderEvent
- NumResources(playerID PlayerID, type ResourceType (enum)) returns integer: Determines how many resources, such as gold in a commerce game, the passed player has (or had at this point in time if this standing is from history)