BonusValue QuickOverrider

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Mod name BonusValue QuickOverrider
Creator TBest
Made public on 2017-??-??
Category Experimental
Tags #Convenience
#UI Only
Runs on Warzone version 4.14.2+
Source code GitHub

This mod changes bonus values based on the formula BonusValue = numTerriotries + N. N is a customizable value. N can be turned to a multiplier, to make the formula become BonusValue = numTerriotries * N. There is also an optional X factor that can randomly change each bonus value by anything from -X to +X.

There is the option to change the value of superbonuses and small superbonuses. By default the value of superbonuses are not changed. The option T defines the minimum territories in a bonus to be recognized as a superbonus.

There is the option to change the value of negative or 0 bonuses. By default these are not changed.