
Plays from Poland
Level 63
Points earned in last 30 days: 301,849
Player-supplied link:

Bio: The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent. – Fundamentals of Chess

Joined Warzone: 2/18/2012
Currently in 8 multi-day games
Played in 12134 multi-player games (77.1% real-time)
Last seen 8 hours ago
Booted 208 times (0% of their last 100)


Global: 858.84
Multi-day: 718.79
Real-time: 821.66

Single-player stats

15 levels won, 12 gold stars

Show All

Coin Leaderboard

10 coins won in season 142
10 coins won in season 144
38 coins won in season 145
44 coins won in season 146
Ranked 119th in season 149 with 216 coins won
Ranked 123rd in season 151 with 219 coins won
Ranked 86th in season 152 with 409 coins won
6 coins won in season 155
93 coins won in season 156
48 coins won in season 157
24 coins won in season 158
18 coins won in season 162
54 coins won in season 168
70 coins won in season 170
Ranked 84th in season 171 with 664 coins won
Ranked 17th in season 172 with 3,912 coins won
Ranked 44th in season 173 with 1,158 coins won
Ranked 61st in season 174 with 684 coins won
Ranked 181st in season 175 with 185 coins won
22 coins won in season 176
5 coins won in season 177
18 coins won in season 178
Ranked 32nd in season 179 with 1,414 coins won
Ranked 24th in season 180 with 2,288 coins won
Ranked 46th in season 181 with 1,746 coins won
Ranked 85th in season 182 with 524 coins won
Ranked 84th in season 183 with 558 coins won
Ranked 99th in season 184 with 396 coins won
Ranked 59th in season 185 with 828 coins won
Ranked 36th in season 186 with 1,030 coins won
Ranked 28th in season 187 with 2,011 coins won
Ranked 59th in season 188 with 936 coins won
Ranked 67th in season 189 with 864 coins won
Ranked 92nd in season 190 with 561 coins won
Ranked 38th in season 191 with 1,530 coins won
Ranked 41st in season 192 with 1,271 coins won
Ranked 67th in season 193 with 750 coins won
90 coins won in season 194
Ranked 124th in season 195 with 274 coins won
Ranked 84th in season 196 with 443 coins won
Ranked 241st in season 197 with 106 coins won
Ranked 104th in season 198 with 512 coins won
Ranked 202nd in season 199 with 198 coins won
Ranked 109th in season 200 with 420 coins won
Ranked 136th in season 201 with 318 coins won
Ranked 132nd in season 202 with 338 coins won
83 coins won in season 203
Ranked 241st in season 204 with 165 coins won
Ranked 267th in season 205 with 107 coins won
79 coins won in season 206
Ranked 232nd in season 306 with 149 coins won


Ladder Best Rank Current Rank
1 v 1 10th (2046) 19th (499)
2 v 2 97th (120) Unranked (87)
Season XLIV 104th (3128) 117th (3120)
Season XLV - Unranked (1992)

Ranked Games

Completed 11652 ranked games (5694 / 11652)

1v1: 3118 / 5199 (59%)
3 player FFA: 7 / 24 (29%)
4 player FFA: 262 / 814 (32%)
5 player FFA: 138 / 584 (23%)
6 player FFA: 154 / 668 (23%)
7 player FFA: 16 / 89 (17%)
8 player FFA: 30 / 141 (21%)
9 player FFA: 6 / 43 (13%)
10 player FFA: 12 / 78 (15%)
11 player FFA: 6 / 17 (35%)
12 player FFA: 6 / 44 (13%)
13 player FFA: 0 / 8 (0%)
14 player FFA: 1 / 21 (4%)
15 player FFA: 1 / 17 (5%)
16 player FFA: 1 / 12 (8%)
17 player FFA: 1 / 6 (16%)
18 player FFA: 0 / 14 (0%)
19 player FFA: 0 / 2 (0%)
20 player FFA: 1 / 10 (10%)
21 player FFA: 0 / 10 (0%)
22 player FFA: 1 / 2 (50%)
23 player FFA: 1 / 6 (16%)
24 player FFA: 6 / 63 (9%)
25 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
26 player FFA: 0 / 3 (0%)
30 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
31 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
32 player FFA: 0 / 5 (0%)
34 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
36 player FFA: 0 / 2 (0%)
39 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
40 player FFA: 1 / 15 (6%)
41 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
200 player FFA: 0 / 2 (0%)
2v2: 346 / 614 (56%)
2v2v2: 69 / 169 (40%)
2v2v2v2: 13 / 32 (40%)
2v2v2v2v2: 4 / 12 (33%)
2v2v2v2v2v2: 1 / 6 (16%)
2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2: 0 / 1 (0%)
2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2: 0 / 1 (0%)
2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2: 1 / 4 (25%)
3v3: 1211 / 2357 (51%)
3v3v3: 7 / 15 (46%)
3v3v3v3: 5 / 22 (22%)
3v3v3v3v3: 1 / 2 (50%)
3v3v3v3v3v3: 0 / 2 (0%)
3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3: 0 / 2 (0%)
4v4: 123 / 247 (49%)
4v4v4: 0 / 1 (0%)
4v4v4v4: 1 / 3 (33%)
4v4v4v4v4: 0 / 5 (0%)
4v4v4v4v4v4: 1 / 3 (33%)
4v4v4v4v4v4v4: 0 / 1 (0%)
5v5: 72 / 128 (56%)
5v5v5: 1 / 2 (50%)
5v5v5v5: 1 / 2 (50%)
6v6: 17 / 28 (60%)
6v6v6: 1 / 2 (50%)
6v6v6v6: 1 / 1 (100%)
7v7: 12 / 18 (66%)
8v8: 15 / 22 (68%)
9v9: 2 / 5 (40%)
10v10: 16 / 26 (61%)
10v10v10v10: 0 / 1 (0%)
12v12: 3 / 11 (27%)
13v13: 1 / 2 (50%)

Previously known as...

   sevius (6/26/2013)
   [kk] sevius (10/12/2013)


Play Speed

Multi-Day Games:
  Average: 10 hours
< 5 mins 
5 - 30 mins 
30 mins - 2 hrs 
2 - 5 hrs 
5 - 12 hrs 
12 hrs - 1 day 
1 day - 1 week 
> 1 week 
Real-Time Games:
  Average: 1 minute 22 seconds
< 30 sec 
30 sec - 1 min 
1 - 2 mins 
2 - 5 mins 
5 - 10 mins 
> 10 mins 

Favorite Maps

Imperium Romanum
by Kayn

Achievements (50%)

Win 5 ladder games in a row
Ranked in the top 50 of the coin leaderboard
Win a 1v1 ladder game
Win a 2v2 ladder game
Win a seasonal ladder game
Win a real-time ladder game
Win a 1v1 coin game
Win a FFA coin game
Europe Challenge
Positional Advantage
Viral Achievement
Color Superiority
Play Warzone from two platforms
Warzone Birthday
Second Birthday
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Statistics on this page can be up to 30 minutes out of date