I am highly offended by the fact that nobody has even iunformed me, not to mention asking about using my map.
https://www.warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=25834Ra has stolen this map, redrawn it with almost no tweaks without my permission.
Changed the name, changed background, and dare to write that my only input was "idea"
https://www.warlight.net/Map/19780-Europe-30Thank you Fizzer for disrespecting old players by not even asking if you agreed to this.
By the way - Ra does not see anything wrong about it:
I would like to be mentioned as the original author of this map, not only author of an "idea" and I would like my original blue background with "Malamute's Strategic Europe" or "Strategic Europe by Fridge" written on it.
I do feel it would be fair.
Edited 7/19/2015 21:16:20