> Fridge puts all the effort into making a decent Europe map
> Fridge decides he doesn't want to release it
> RA decides he knows better
> RA decides to copy Fridge's map and release it as his own
> Fridge comes back and calls him out for it
> RA doesn't apologize or decide to actually credit Fridge for making the map
> People think RA's being a dick and decide to rate his map down to discourage this behavior
> RA makes a bunch of alts and rates his own map about 40 times
> Lawlz, clearly not aware of how intellectual property works, decides RA could do what the fuck he wants and that Fridge (and the majority of people) are just here to create drama, chimes in
> knyte tries to explain to Lawlz how intellectual property works and why it's important
> Lawlz doesn't get it and keeps making the same argument
> mfw
Edited 7/23/2015 03:26:22