I think if this map is European Administrative Divisions 1815 You should separate at least the 5 main districts in Königreich Ungarn, its name in german: (Military district of) Preßburg, Kaschau, Ödenburg, Pest-Ofen, Großwardein.
With this not just the contemporary administrative divisions will be more accurate but this moderates the extreme looking imbalance there too.
Also suggest split Großfürstentum Transylvaniae into 3 historic regions: Siebenbürgen (yellow), Szeklerland (blue), and Ardeal (green)
Overall a conceptual imbalanced map may be playable with 1-2 or even 3-4 times more valuable bonuses, but 10 times more worthy bonuses can cause serious gameplay problems and I think historically unreal as well as high differencies between regions.