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New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 11:26:19

Level 57
Im still planning some redraw of visuals and minor changes in the island area but it is almost done. Opinions welcome.

Edited 9/8/2015 17:53:49
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 11:38:47

Level 67
it's nice picture, but i don't think it suits well for warlight map. When i don't click on territories i can't even be sure what is border and what is not .
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 11:46:30

Level 57
True but maybe help to separate territories by eye that every country have a head, a body, and two or less arms and legs.
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 12:10:10

Olkani [PG] 
Level 63
Turkey or Ottoman Empire ? I dont know 1914-1918 it was Ottoman Empire ???
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 12:18:24

Level 57
True, I will change to Ottoman Empire.
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 12:23:16

Level 54
The artwork in this map is really good, and it seems like it would be a fun map to play on.
Some of the bonuses seem a bit large for their countries (e.g. Netherlands, Bulgaria, Sweden, Romania), but I like how the powers are pretty balanced (Except for Austria-Hungary).

As Olkani said Turkey was called the Ottoman Empire back in 1914.
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 12:47:50

Level 57
I worked from a given material this is a contemporary satirical map about the great war. Austria-Hungary has 5 points simply because its figure have only one arm.

This map need another strategy instead of ordinary gameplay where Russia, Germany, France, and Ottomans are the big and wealthy regions and the others are weak. Here even the little countries can have as many income as the big ones so need to think again the routine strategies.
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 16:01:25

Level 57
This map look soo cool . And it's made after an carricature
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 16:26:15

Level 30
Interesting idea. There are two problems from what I can see:
- France gives only 6 armies despite having 8 territories (Provence and Corsica.)
- Many of the connections are questionable (e.g. right arm of Switzerland- head of Italy).

Also, I think there is an unnamed territory in Bulgaria.
New WW1 map coming: 2015-08-27 17:51:33

Level 57
You are right France is one of the remained problems. A solution can be a united Provence and Corsica and that will be just one extra territory for France. Or unite Corsica and Provence with left leg of France. And maybe a waterway between Corsica and French Africa. Or let France as 7 territory bonus and create extra territories for Russia and Germany in Finland and the pocket.

Austria-Hungary can get an extra territory too if move out the alliance bonuslinks from Bosnia.
Lol and UK can get extra territory too by a liberty ship shaped territory named "uncle of United Kingdom"

Im opened before connection suggestions just clear the recommended changes.

UPDATE: France, Germany, and Russia changed to 7 point bonuses and Austria-Hungary got a 6. territory.

Edited 8/27/2015 19:42:36
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-01 12:21:17

Level 57
Here is the new version I think it is ready to play.

Are any new suggestions before I send to public?
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-02 23:41:51

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
Have you ever heard of the book series Leviathan? Its a steampunk WWI series. The map looks similar to yours in concept:http://scottwesterfeld.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/LeviathanGrandMapBIG.jpg
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 07:00:54

Level 57
I know that. Here are some other similar maps:
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 07:01:17

Level 57
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 07:01:30

Level 57
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 13:15:32

Level 59

Tbh, I like it, nice idea! Though it looks cumbersome it also looks fun, and different to other maps. Would be nice for more comical/homourous game templates which would be nice.

Maybe the conections could be clearer, but given the nature of the map, maybe that's ok?
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 19:40:22

Level 57
Yeah maybe the connections not crystal clear due to figurative elements it is the nature of the map, but I played some testgames and it is more clear in play because then the neighbour territories are plain gray and the non-connected territories are striped gray.

Have you ideas for new templates?
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 20:57:57

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
Hey I have seen one of those sattire europe cartoon maps you mentioned in this thread in de ijzertoren museum in Dixmude ,Belgium. There were a lot more of those sattires displayed. I remember there was also a map that represented european nations as dogs which was my favorite.
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-03 21:06:42

Level 55
crazy. Im looking forward to this one...
New WW1 map coming: 2015-09-04 07:16:58

Level 57
Well it didnt succeeded to publish on first try due to questionable connections (I got just one example: right leg of UK and body of UK). I counted on it this caused by the pictorial nature of the map wich also the base concept of it.

I see two solutions. The first is draw new connection lines to clear the connections. Can you guys write some more connections what you feel most questionable?

Or do you think it can be a solution if I write a visible note that every body connected to its all bodyparts (head, arms and legs)?

Edited 9/4/2015 08:16:59
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