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Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-21 18:52:45

Level 51
Thanks for the good work =)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-22 00:33:01

Level 20
It would be awesome if I could individually organize games
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-22 16:13:18

Level 59
You re a star Muli :)

WL was not the same the last couple of days ;-) and I bet even Fizzer uses it... lol

Edited 5/22/2016 16:14:00
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-23 02:35:18

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Whenever I refresh the Dashboard, my filter gets set to "Active Games where I am not eliminated". I want to have it be the Default filter. Do you know why that is happening?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-23 13:19:32

Level 63
I get a blank dashboard on FF 46.0.1 ubuntu private mode. Works fine when I disable greasemonkey or use normal mode.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-24 21:14:50

Level 64
The script just got updated to version 1.12.6, fixing the bug that was mentioned by Beren, thanks for the help :)

@linberson Thanks for mentioning, the private mode in Firefox disables some functions (for example the way I store your settings data locally). Therefor the script doesn't work in Firefox private mode. It should give you an error message now, instead of just a black screen.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-26 10:59:14

Level 63
It does =(
Used to work before though.

Thanks for your work anyway!
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-26 17:34:38

[REGL] Pooh 
Level 62
A suggestion:

In addition to "My", "Open", and "Coin" games on the multi-player screen, add in Past Games.

Also, a "rematch" option, that creates a new game with the same settings, and here's the clincher, without adding "rematch" to the front of the game. I see no point in altering the title of the game to indicate its a rematch, simply when you want to just play a completely separate game, even with different people, that just happens to have the same settings.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-27 08:31:45

Level 64
@linberson Yes, it used to work, the problem appeared, after I had to switch to the new storage system for your settings. I might add some a way to use the Userscript without any storage (Default Settings) which therefore runs everywhere. Do you think that would help?

@[REGL] Pooh I also thought about having a past game tab, but at that time I couldn't really see much benefits. But together with a rematch button for each game it starts getting interesting :)
However, I haven't really dealt with the game creation process so I'm not sure how well it could get implemented.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-27 14:31:05

Level 58
My mail filter isn't appearing right now (probably something that is changed last update from fizzer). Good that my friends list is pretty short still and doesn't have hundreds of players to scroll through.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-28 10:44:26

Level 64
@wakanarai Thanks, you are right! I just fixed it and published an update. Everything should work fine again :)

Edited 5/28/2016 10:44:37
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-28 16:36:36

Level 60
when trying to forward invites I can scroll down, without script works okay
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-28 18:44:09

Level 64
@KKND Thanks, just fixed it!
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-28 19:03:28

Level 63
@Muli: Definitely
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-28 19:50:43

Level 63
Can you support 1280 X 720 screen resolution please?

Instead of using pixels for measurements, it might be worth changing them into percentages, after finding the px equivalent of what it looks like.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-28 22:56:32

Level 64
@DanWL Although working with percentages can be helpful when your building your own layout, it's almost impossible when working with a predefined layout. I'll try to set up some media queries to get things working on smaller screens :)

Edited 5/28/2016 22:56:42
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-05-29 11:00:35

Level 63
Ok, thanks.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-01 10:04:14

Level 64
@DanWL Things should work better now in version 1.12.9 :)

Edited 6/1/2016 13:13:10
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-01 10:13:06

Level 63
Yeah, it works :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-01 16:01:05

Level 59
Hi Muli, how do you see a thread again after you accidentally ignored it ?
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