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Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-13 22:56:56

Level 64
The problem is that while accessing the clan list I only receive the middle numbers of the Player-ID (without the first two and the last two numbers). I then have to request the complete Player-ID from my own database (Which obviously doesn't have every single player in it, that's why some are marked as "unknown").

To now get the name of the player I would have fetch the profile for those IDs to get the player name. So yes, currently it's meant to say "Profile" :)

But I might set up some type of cache which stores the creator name of the clans so they can be displayed.

Edited 6/13/2016 22:57:55
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-13 23:01:06

Level 60
@Muli, If you send me all those middle numbers in a PM, I will find all clan buyers. (I can find them using mod powers, since I can just plug that 'true' player ID into a URL)

EDIT: But then again, maybe some clan buyers wants to be anonymous? Hm, maybe ask Fizzer if it is an okey thing to do.
EDIT 2: But... since you could brute force it even without my help, I might as well save you the time. I suppose it is publicly accessible in the first place?
EDIT 3: It would be best with Fizzer's permission I suppose. I dunno if the transaction of buying a clan is intended to be public. But...the precedent is buying a M' witch is public. Anyway, it is up to you what you do Muli. Also, out of curiosity, specifically where on the clan-list did you find it? (I presume you could use inspect element, and then find it in one of the scripts there? Does it only show one buyer, or would it show clan managers too?)

EDIT 4: Based on what you wrote below, it sounds like you will do fine without my help :)

Edited 6/13/2016 23:31:40
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-13 23:20:30

Level 59
Your database could include all members of clans ? Or the request done only in the related clan members (not sure how it works) ?

For the total points per clan, maybe an average points per clan member (divide it by number of members) would show a better appreciation of the strength of a clan ?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-13 23:21:02

Level 64
Yeah, the middle part is accessible for every user, just like the "Total Points" it's just not displayed. With a brute force I'll need an average of 5'000 to get the complete Player-ID. With only 6 players left that's not even that much anymore.

So far I just gathered the profile number everywhere I could find one. It went better than expected :P

My database currently only contains the player ids, all the other things are gathered with Fizzers functions But yeah, expanding them to show more details would be interesting!

@TBest EDIT 3
You can't see it on the clan page. I used a function in Fizzers code which provides me information about all the clans. (It's somewhere used in the process of forwarding tournament invites) It gives an overview about all the clans (creator id, create date, points, name) But no, it doesn't show managers, it only gives you one id.

@TBest EDIT 4
I'll get back to you if I have problems, but thanks :)

@TBest EDIT 5
I just saw that you can also read the mid-profile id in the "report" link on every clan page.
I got them all now!

Edited 6/14/2016 00:21:13
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-17 07:48:11

Level 58
I first tried getting it with my alt on chrome and it worked perfectly!!

so I tried getting it on this account which plays on safari, but when i try downloading the script, nothing happens to my dashboard apart from I can't scroll up and down :D

any ideas how to fix that?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-17 08:30:25

Level 64

Unfortunately the script currently doesn't work in safari, since safari doesn't support the storage system which the userscript needs.

Yet there are good news. Support for the used storage system was announced and in the technology preview of safari (https://developer.apple.com/safari/technology-preview) everything seems to work fine. So i guess sooner or later a safari update will help.

Currently you'd need to switch browser to get it running.

Edited 6/17/2016 09:53:50
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-17 08:43:10

Level 64
I just released a small update (Version 1.12.13) which brings along some changes to the clean search system. You can find the clan search by clicking "Search" located under the "Help" tab.

  • Clans are now filtered in real-time
  • The clan creator's name is now also displayed

Edited 6/17/2016 08:44:19
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-20 02:24:13

Level 57
There appears to be a glitch with time left. I have a game with a 5-day boot, its 5-hours since the last turn change, and I'm being told I only have 19 hours to make my next turn(instead of 4 days 19 hours). Second case, 3-day boot, 3 hours since turn change, I do have a PM and general chat waiting, I'm being told I only have 1 day 8 hours left(instead of 2 days 20 hours)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-20 10:02:23

Level 64

The userscript checks for the shortest boot-time of Vote-to-Boot, Direct-Boot, and Auto-Boot. Can you please check if one of those times is set lower than the others?
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-21 01:50:16

Level 57
Yeah, vote to boot timers were earlier in both games, and it appears the clock is adjusting to them.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-21 10:13:17

Level 64

The clock just adjust to the shortest time you could get booted. So if the direct-boot is the lowest, it will adjust to the direct-boot :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-21 11:45:17

Level 63
If someone uses noscript then you need to allow hoststar.ch to be able to see clan creators.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-21 12:59:30

Level 60
@ Muli, the Created On sort for the clans searcher list is slightly wrong. I mean it shows the date the clans are created on, but not in the correct order.For example REGL is the first official clan, not 2nd. You could sort them by the URL ID, since they are in ascending order ;) instead of the current alphabetical? sort.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-21 13:12:20

Level 64
@linberson Thanks for mentioning!

@TBest You're right, it'll be fixed in the next update.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-21 14:41:58

Level 56
sweet, expect im using unblocked site... sigh
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-06-29 11:15:15

Level 64

I just published Version 1.13.1 with a few small changes.

  • The playlog get's displayed in a table so you can sort the players by attemps / wins
  • Added a bookmark link on the Level overview
  • Sorting Clans by creation now works correctly

Edited 6/29/2016 15:29:11
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-01 00:24:20

Level 60

^now that would be really cool. If the script had a counterattack calculator.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-01 05:20:34

[RE] Lord Kira
Level 57
Agreed, that would be quite beneficial.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-07 10:59:16

Level 64
Hello !

I'm happy to announce a new feature I really like in Version 1.13.2 :)

Advanced Tournament Overview

On your tournament overview you can now find a button called "Update data". clicking it will display some additional information about the tournament, to help you monitor your games.
You can see the following information
  • Games your are currently playing
  • Games you have won
  • Games you have lost
  • Number of additional games you will have to play
  • Estimation of the overall tournament progress

If you loaded the additional tournament data once, it will automatically be displayed if you visit the tournament overview again.
To prevent loads of uneccesary networks calls the data never automatically updates itself. Yet you can still manually update it any time you want. If you view a tournament, the additional information for that tournament will automatically be updated.

Edited 7/7/2016 11:02:18
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-07 11:49:01

Level 62
Cool update!

The displayed numbers seem to be wrong though.

In promotion/relegation league it says "progress: 75%" however all games but one are finished.

In WSOW 10A it says "games left: 0-4", but if you look at the tournament https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=16790 you can see that it should be 0-2.

Feldmere is wrong too, "games left: 2-5" is clearly wrong - I'm already guaranteed to play in the final so it should be 1-2.

Other games-left-numbers are incorrect too.
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