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Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-13 09:26:49

Level 60
and now its ok, strange
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-13 10:07:49

Level 64
Thanks, the numbers will get corrected !

@Ragnar I'm glad you like it, ohh and I don't get paid for this :)

@KKND I had to update the database, which sometimes causes problems, but good to see it work now!
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-13 10:36:46

Level 61
thanks buns and onoma, fixed the numbers
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-13 14:33:16

[REGL] Pooh 
Level 62
Do you care to take a stab at organizing the single player community levels?
Right now, there is next to no information available in any organized manner, unless you drill down into the different community levels.

Some thoughts: Pull out plays, wins, win percentage. Maybe even host a rating, like the map ratings, and list the community levels in accordance with a ranking?

Maybe even a featured weekly community level(s)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-13 16:35:54

Level 60
@Muli: This might sound weird, but any chance that next update, we get an option to turn off the dashboard features without disabling the script?

I like the changes everywhere (forums/profiles/mails), but the dashboard reorganization causes the dashboard to take longer to load, which delays me quite a lot when I'm dashing some commits before leaving the computer. I've had it downloaded but inactive at all times except when mailing (for the mail search function is great). But this extra bit of lag can be quite bad for me; I would love the option to be able to use the script in forums/mail, but skipping the extra loading time in the dashboard.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-14 18:37:20

Level 64
@[REGL] Pooh That's something I'd like to do, but I currently don't see a good way to access the data for every level. Hosting a rating wouldn't really work well. It would be way too easy to manipulate since I can't verify accounts and therefore everyone could simulate being someone else.

@Zephyrum I haven't really planned anything like that. The dashboard takes around 0.5s to get things set up, which I wouldn't say is really long :)
Also note that if you keep the dashboard open, you can refresh your games in around 0.2s, which is faster than a normal page reload.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-14 19:53:24

Level 68
After a few days I appreciate this update even more. Much better than when it was a list of active clots, which was always zero unless you were dutch.

Thanks :)
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-14 20:30:56

Level 60
It takes around 5 seconds on mine to load, around 2 for the refresh button (just refreshing the page takes about the same time).
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-14 20:34:39

Level 64
Ohh, that's indeed a bit longer
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-18 16:47:59

Level 63
With the userscript I can only see 15 open games is this intended and can I change it somewhere?

Edit: After visiting the open games page I see more.

Edited 7/18/2016 16:48:27
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-18 16:55:18

Level 64
Did you maybe set some open games filters?

Under the last open game on the left you can see if any and how many open games are hidden.

Edited 7/18/2016 16:56:16
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-18 17:31:45

Level 64
@فيصل - 1416

I couldn't get it to run on IE.
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-18 20:26:54

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
One thing is a bit annoying. When i go to a tournament and want to write something in the chat, I usually use [Ctrl + right/left arrow] to mark text fast to change or delete it.

If I use [Ctrl + left arrow] in any kind of tourney, no side effects happen. But the text becomes marked. So shall it be.
If I use [Ctrl + right arrow] in any kind of tourney, it hides the chat bar and let it appear again. And the text does not become marked.
If I use [Ctrl + right arrow] in single or double elimination tourneys it also markes my games of the tourney. Furthermore if my name is marked once in the tourney overview. I can simultaneously to moving my cursor to the right by pressing [right arrow], switching through my games of the tourney. Also the text does not become marked.

[Ctrl]+[Right Arrow] might be a bad shortcut for hiding chat bar, marking your name in the tournament and marking text in the chat bar, since it has even triple function there!? Can you change that somehow, Muli?

Edited 7/18/2016 20:29:35
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-18 22:32:53

Level 64
Ohh, I see what you mean, that's indeed annoying. I didn't even know ctrl + right existed to hide the chat. I'll make sure that all those shortcuts won't work if you have your cursor in the chatbox in the next update.

Edited 7/18/2016 22:33:25
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-18 23:31:05

Level 64
There is no real add-on that let's you install userscripts (like Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey).
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-19 00:41:57

Level 59
Finally installed it. Like the snow. Able to add a flame effect on bottom?

Edited 7/19/2016 00:42:36
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-19 09:34:47

Level 64
Cool! The snow was added for last christmas, so maybe there will be a flame if we have a super hot summer!
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-19 13:38:54

Level 63
Yeah flames right now would be good, it feels like 30 degrees C (actually 26) outside.
@Muli Any reason you gave yourself your own Script Creator tag?

Edited 7/19/2016 16:18:17
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-19 15:45:14

Level 58
it feels like 30 degrees C outside.

here it actually is 30 degrees Celcius, fan on all day long just to be able to sleep. Window on south side so sun all day in my bedroom.

edit: it actually says 29 when i'm using google right now but still close.

Edited 7/19/2016 15:45:56
Muli's userscript (Tidy up Your Dashboard): 2016-07-19 17:08:15

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
31° here...
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