Here's a new update :)
Player Search You can now search for a player by his name directly from the Dashboard. Therefore you can find a "Search Player" Button on the right of the Warlight Menu.

You can choose if you want to search for friends are for any player.
If you search for friends you can search for anything (also an empty string, which returns all friends) and all matches are returned.
If you search with "All Players" you need to enter at least 3 characters and only the first 25 (alphabetically ordered?) results appear.
With the "More" button you can currently search for the Players with the most common games.
Randomized bonuses & Spammers be goneIn cooperation with Master of the Dead the two mentioned scripts where included into this userscript.
If you don't what features they provide, check out the original forum threads:
Randomized bonuses!
Master of the Dead (
Spammers be gone!
Master of the Dead (
You might need to deactivate the separate Scripts in order to get everything running properly.Following only the new Features will be described
Randomized Bonuses 
Please note that this is a Member-Only feature.
The create game button is now located under the profile picture. You can now not only set the game name, but also bookmark a "Randomized" Game. Then you can create a new game directly from the Dashboard with one click.

Spammers be goneIf you see Forum Thread you want to hide on the Dashboard you can now simply right-click and click "Hide" to remove it.
Edited 1/6/2016 15:14:56