Apex just keeps winning team games, and now are 1 max point ahead of GG. Apex has 99 points and GG has 100 points.
In other news, Darkpie got booted out of most of his games and thus Lynx has taken a serious hit leaving French and Blitz to capitalize pretty hard. WG is clawing their way out of the relegation pit with AHoL but I keep hearing the "One of us.. One of us.." chant. It's quite scary. All of the 1v1 tournaments all have winners which are:
Strat 1v1 ME 0% WR: Mike from GG (5-1)
Battle Islands: GreenTea from Lynx (6-0)
Greece: Gnuffone from WG (6-0)
Guiroma: JV from GG (5-1)
Strat 1v1 ME 0% SR: Brisk from Apex (5-1)
Turkey: Latnox from GG (6-0)
3 sweeps, 3 GG wins, 4 different clans.