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That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 00:56:20

Level 60
No matter how pro we think we are, there is always that one person that always seems to beat us. May be for no real reason. Tell me that player in this stream ;)

For instance mine would be Kszyhoo... always seams to beat me XD

Edited 9/11/2013 00:58:17
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 01:03:11

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
Anybody I 1v1.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 03:19:52

Level 50
I beat kszyhoo once. Link : http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=4784514
It was a very tough game.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 03:52:48

Level 59
I beat Motocross5800 lots of times. Link : http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=4805192
It was a very easy game.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 06:31:05

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Well done Pulsey.

Motocross - nobody gives a crap. Wow, you have a single victory against a good player. If you play as much as you do, you're bound to get a win somewhere. One win is worth nothing. I bet 80% of Live Tourney players have around 5 big wins.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 07:32:30

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
Well, as a general rule, I mostly seem to face difficulties against girls. Of course there are some exceptions (boys I can't beat and girls I can beat), but they are too few to actually hit the general rule.

If I am to mention a specific player, this would be Laura. Nobody else has beaten me in all the fair ways like she has done. I have faced way more famous players, though Laura's tactical balancing skills are better than anyone else's I 've seen, including myself of course.

The rest exceptional players I remember are as follows.

Girls: Tigeress, Rebecca, Kamila, Bella bambina, Katalina, Julie, Agustina Moreno and several more of which I currently don't remember the exact names.

Boys: Y (previously BigBlackFatMama), Kleyton Manning (inactive for a long time last time I checked though), Curly, Dasbestos, CatBreeder, Timinator.

I don't know the gender of: Azia and a few more of which I don't remember the exact names.

From all this sum of exceptional players though I still think the girls are the best. They seem to beat me more easily. After all, they are supposed to be smarter than us (guys), right?
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 08:55:12

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Mine is you Jacob ;) My record against you is the worst :( I'm yet to beat you....
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 09:23:08

Level 67
i've already 6 or 7 loses in a row against pulsey - it has to stop soon:P
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 10:16:47

Level 59
dont worry kszhoo, i have a similar streak with mannerheim too :P
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 11:46:34

Level 54
of all players I would consider Hennns my worst nightmare :p
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 12:17:31

Level 60
Hell Bender -> lol

Pilota -> them warlight girls man, you gotta look out!

@run -> one day you will beat me ;)

Kzsyhoo -> Nice to see you know how i feel >:)

Pulsey -> Beat that Moto XD

Sarutobi -> Henns is quite random :P
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 14:17:16

Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
Level 38
I have yet to come across a declared woman on here who has truly challenged me. Of course, that doesn't mean they don't exist, merely that I have not come across them yet.
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 14:52:05

Level 56
A declared woman?

My list of players that have beaten me 3+ times without me beating them:

Fen: 3-0
Pafka13: 3-0 [Haven't played for over a year]
MHR: 3-0 [Haven't played for over a year]

(Fritz-K had a 5 game win streak on me, but it's now 9-9)

As you can see, since I don't play that many games I've only played 14 people more than 3 times so I haven't really had that opportunity to find 'That One Player'.

P.S. Reading this back it seems a bit boastful and I think I need to clarify - I loose a lot too.

Edited 9/11/2013 15:09:41
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:01:03

Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged
Level 38
Yes, a declared woman. A player who is obviously a woman, whether through name or picture. There are plenty other names which are gender ambiguous and as such would be undeclared women (or men).

For instance, if you were female, you would be an 'undeclared woman'

Edited 9/11/2013 15:01:45
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:12:08

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
TWM beat me in three turns
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:21:00

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
billy walsh, i cant defeat him... i mean, nobody can... but, me enither
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:21:09

{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
2 1v1s against kszy (one on the Turkey map)
2-0 :)
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:22:08

Level 59
2 1v1s against Gror (both on Earth map)
2-0 :)
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:28:21

{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
Actually it was Jayus Slavus that beat me I think ;)
That One Player >:): 2013-09-11 15:35:37

Level 59
true, without jay's blessings, i think i will lose now :'(
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