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PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:23:36

Level 54
facepalm, not everyone is an alt, Seahawks
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:24:37

Level 56
That's exactly what an alt would say...
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:25:26

Level 54
First a troll, now an alt. I just love Saturdays.
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:31:57

Level 50
haha, Green :p
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:39:35

Level 59
I see, perhaps there all pulsey's alts o.O

Second note: 101st aren't interested, as we have 2 already and it's not much competition apart from Pulsey :p
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:43:15

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
i doubt pg-13 can defeat anyone... but are other clans barve enough to fight them?
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:53:28

Level 54
hello pink joined, another known alt, i swear this is a clan of trolls that are actually all the same person who has multipersonality disorder and begs to be answered and feeds off other peopls anger
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 17:55:58

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
who's alt am I?
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 18:04:19

Level 54
Don't know, trying to figure out if I'm an alt of pulsey, or pulsey's an alt of me...
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 18:08:06

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
perhaps we are all controlled by an alt... and there is no real player behind us...

anyway, pg-13 is defeating apex :P
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 18:47:13

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
I have always been just me so seahawks you need to calm down and worry about the worst team in the NFL who you named yourself after
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 18:58:23

Level 54
lol do you even know what the NFL is? obviously not, anyone who knows what the nfl is knows that the seahawks may not be the best team, except this season they are ranked #1 in espns preseason powerrankings, but the worst team is some crap team like the browns or the raiders or some crappy team like that, and i just said, pulsey and now pink are only good players on pg 13, they would never win against a clan in a clan competition
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 19:59:45

Mush *~*
Level 7
Oprahsgreasyanus checking in to the [Parental Guidance-2013] club, my profile follows the guidance very well, make sure your parents are with you, to guide you.
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 20:07:41

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
ADDITUDE I DONT LIKE YOURS SEAHAWK. you beat the panthers, the panthers for Christs sake they suck balls. I should know I live in Charlotte. The sehawks are bad just bad. Only 12 points against the panthers is pitiful

@oprahsgreasyanus- how are you Level 4 and never played a game?

Edited 9/14/2013 20:08:44
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 20:11:51

Mush *~*
Level 7
Seattle down Seahawks

@Bender, Magic

Edited 9/14/2013 22:33:09
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 21:16:59

Pilota stradale (Inactive account)
Level 17
Now I remember someone asking me whose alt I am, but to me it's pretty clear that I am myself. Maybe that's why I honestly didn't get the point of that question...
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 22:25:33

Level 59
dont worry all...

they are not my alts. As a 15 year old I can afford barely a membership, and definitely not 4... o.O

For all those guys saying they don have time...


I suggest format will be: Pulsey and PG-13 VS Clan leader and clan member.

1 game... i doubt you guys cant handle one more game...
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 22:36:42

Level 59
come on now, we all know the real reason you guys dont want to play.... ;)


VIW, mighty and proud, denied Motocross.
How about Pulsey and Motocross VS Awesomeguy and seahawks

Warlighters, mighty and proud, kicked out Hellbender
How about Pulsey and Hellbender VS Arun and {Warlighter}

RP, the mighty roleplaying clan now faces competiion from Nebu's rp clan, [Mongols]
how about Pulsey and Nebu VS RP Leader and RP player

REGL, the king of the sky against the fearsome lumbering trolls
Pulsey and Pink VS Eagleblast and REGL member

101st and their Jinxes against the heavily armoured trolls
Pulsey and Pink VS Apollo and 101st member...

come on now, dont pussy out.

Edited 9/14/2013 22:37:09
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 22:47:58

Level 59
oh yeah, and the gladiators

Maximus, Flama, Demo can all join.

Pulsey and [PG-13] VS two of you guys^
PG 13 challenges you: 2013-09-14 22:58:30

Level 54
I only made Mongols for some non-forumers to collaborate and have fun on rp templates, but okay.
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