FIRST BLOOD HAS BEEN DRAWN! The representatives of PG-13, Pulsey and Motocross have defeated the leaders of the Masters clans.
Nevertheless, we thank the Masters for the game and appluad their bravery to face us, unlike clans like VIW, who are too afraid.
Now, to start talking like Miyagi...
Pulsey is very happy that PG-13 has went to a good start. THe Pulsey is curious if this post will suddenly make some clans pull out suddenly for unknown reasons. Pulsey also hopes Miyagi will give the names of the best RP players, so that Pulsey can play them.
:) our game was decided by luck, well played by both sides could have gone either way
So far {rp} has 0 interest in playing frankly most of us are to busy to play a troll clan but i will ask one more time only because you aren't terrible