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We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 00:15:13

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
Well the only changes were the newly created state in central India and Russian intervention in Crimea.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 00:20:57

Level 56
Actually, Crimea has been here since 2012, able to be bit of Russia. Boko Haram is tiny and Yemen is insignificant, but still divided into 3 territories anyway.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 00:26:46

Level 42
My point still stands. Because this map aims to show all the world's nations (hence the title), and because the definition of nation is slippery, the map is going to need frequent changes to account for things like ISIL and other civil wars like the one in Libya.

If I really wanted to nitpick, the map currently called "World Nations" should be a map of ethnicities that think of themselves as a nation or deserving of one (Catalonia, Palestine, Brittany), and this map should be renamed to "World States" (not as catchy though).
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 00:52:24

[ESP] Pablo García
Level 58
Yes please, a new map with more territories would be what I need (there are larger maps, but not with territory-bonuses)

And I wouldn't considere merging, but making many more territories.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 01:03:18

Level 60
Yemen is not three territories in 2014, it's 2.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 01:05:34

Level 56
Socotra is not it's own territory in 2014? It is in 2012.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 01:12:58

Level 60
...Oh wait, I keep forgetting Socotra. Dammit.

Indeed 3, but then again Socotra is mostly there for intercontinental battling. I like that. Not much of a reason to merge back Yemen as split it's just way better for making scenarios where the British Empire appears.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 01:18:34

[ESP] Pablo García
Level 58
African territories are too big, by the way.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 01:44:14

Level 58
Scotland should be at least 4 territories, while England should be merged, and Wales made into 2 territories.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 02:16:43

Level 56
Ha, are you sincere, Ox?
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 02:59:07

Level 57
Why would merging Indonesia? It would be super ugly.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 03:10:56

Black Butler
Level 54
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 03:20:53

Level 60
Lybia could be reworked into Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan. It makes more sense historically and would help making scenarios in it much smoother. I mean, these roman empire/ottoman empire/any other empires that took only mediterranean parts of modern day lybia scenarios would look way better.

Also Egypt. It could have 4 territories: Cairo, Alexandria on the mediterranean, El Mynia as it 's desert region and Sinai in, well, sinai.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 03:31:57

Level 56
Most Africa is too many territories; the only ones that could perhaps use some more splits is Nilic Egypt and south Nigeria. Libya needs to be merged into one.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 04:07:15

Level 60
The other way around, juq. Lybia needs a split. With a nerf. But a split anyway. It's too hard to make a roman empire look remotely good with lybia as-is.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 04:18:06

Level 57
Well, i want a complex diplo map.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 04:25:59

Level 56
The other way around, juq. Lybia needs a split. With a nerf. But a split anyway. It's too hard to make a roman empire look remotely good with lybia as-is.

You said that it would make empires look better. I don't really think so, but save that for World Nations 0001.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 06:10:31

Level 60
It's the only world map we have for custom scenarios that is one territory one bonus, so it has to fit some historical empires too imo.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 07:50:53

Level 30
There are several maps with one territory one bonus and some are of the world. Also, Belgian Gentleman is working on a super massive diplomacy world map which probably makes most of this thread pointless. Somaliland, Artsakh and ISIS are not recognized with the only one being a little recognized is Artsakh with 3 non-UN countries recognizing it. You may as well call Catalonia and Scotland independent even though they are clearly not.
We need a World NATIONS 2015 (2.0x): 2015-11-01 14:03:18

Level 58
Heh, no I wasn't sincere at all... there are so many improvements that this map needs, and there is no way that it is going to please everybody. Really, what people should be using is Belgian Gentlemen's map when it gets released.

You may as well call Catalonia and Scotland independent even though they are clearly not.

It won't stay this way!!!

Edited 11/1/2015 14:04:09
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