So I think my last idea of rt cup was a bit too ambitious. This time I'd like to do something simpler. I've been trying to incorporate other people into making templates, but so far it hasn't worked out. In the past few years all new templates I've seen were almost exclusively mine, Gui's or a rehash of them. It is possible I'm now just detached from the "new" community and I don't see anything new, but here is where the contest comes in. Contest is very simple, make your own 1v1 template, test it, optimise it, play on it once and post your results here! Deadline is the 30th of November, so you have a whole month to do it. Of course you can rehash old templates or put a new spin on them, however your chances will be smaller if the template is too similar to some standard templates.
1st place - 750 coins and template will be featured in my next invitational tournament with best players
2nd place - 500 coins
Just to be clear, diplo/rp templates do not qualify, the template always needs some sort of strategic value. When you post give a template link, if you can a game link and describe shortly the idea behind the template and the settings. An example new template I have not released yet:
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=727195Imperium Romanum 1v1 Ltd. Distribution
Setings: All bonuses = territories -2 (there are negative bonuses), 6 starts of 2, 1 base income, 0% sr, no cards
Idea: I wanted to try limited distribution with bonuses that'd have a bias towards bigger bonuses, but bonuses would be normalised (territories -2), that pushed towards lowering base income so that picking stage is not always about the most efficient bonuses.
Also you can post multiple templates if you are like Ra and you have potentailly up to 30 hidden templates. Anyway, go make some templates and show me the results :)