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Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:00:38

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
So I'm leaving this question to the public. I'm willing to make a new map but I need some ideas and I am asking you for help.

"Which map do you want to see on Warlight? Vote for the best suggestion. The most favored idea will be my next project."

You can also leave your ideas below in the thread.

-No I'm not going to do karakalpakstan. This is a serious poll.
- @Bayern München is the best! , maybe you want something like this: http://sillysoft.net/plugins/images/Snooker.jpg?
-Ieatpubes, you're just disgusting with your second idea.

Current map list:
Snooker: https://www.warlight.net/Play?PreviewMap=49483
Galaxy: https://www.warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=49537

Edited 11/10/2015 18:56:50
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:17:47

Level 46
The map from The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson. Don´t forget about the Aiel Waste and the Blight. Here is a link to a whole world map. Google the smaller parts for specific map parts. https://www.google.com/search?q=wheel+of+time+map+including+blight&rlz=1CALEAE_enUS656US656&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=633&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI-ISjoIeEyQIVCXs-Ch0KeQZW&safe=active&ssui=on#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=wheel+of+time+map+including+the+aiel+waste&imgrc=Wj5WS415lh8WEM%3A

Edited 11/9/2015 19:22:03
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:28:23

Level 61
Who wanted snooker table except me?
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:42:09

Level 58
An old South African map. Like a proper one. 1830-1900. So you can have the Anglo-Boer war and the Anglo-Zulu wars. The current South African maps are modern but an 1900s one would be epic. Kimberly is set as higher bonus because of diamonds and its basically in the middle of nowhere. So the map is set like the Poland map with emphasis on cities as opposed to land. I think it can work out great.

Remember the Anglo-Boer war was a war that Winston Churchill as well as Ghandi fought in. It saw the first concentration camp by Lord Kitchener. This would lead to the diamond rush, essentially starting deBeers and their monopoly of diamonds worldwide that stands to this day. The Zulu wars would see the likes of Shaka Zulu, the first real African to form a proper military in Africa, Not just any military, boosting itself to beat the British on a few occasions. Yes thats right, Zulus with sticks beat Brits with gun.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:48:17

Level 60
You should create a map of an egg. It solely consists of two territories; the yolk and the white. It will be highly entertaining to the lottery players for all of five seconds and two clicks until the game is over, and then they can waste more of their lives doing it over and over again.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:49:56

Level 60
Also, can you please make an anatomically correct map of the female form? I think it would be of great benefit to...uh...everyone else if you were to map the location of the clitoris so some people (but not myself, of course) can find it for the first time.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:51:00

Level 58
vote for my idea, everyone else on the thread is immature and wasting Belgian's time with stupid suggestions.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 19:56:02

Level 61
Your idea is Stupid :)
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 20:07:47

Level 54
As Genghis would say, MAKE A GALAXY MAP.

We dont need any more Europe map, we have gazillions.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 20:10:10

Level 58
Do a historic map, not some space alien shit. This isn't star trek. Also one Lotto game is already too many. He isn't going to do something like space or lotto, because its stupid.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 20:22:55

Level 61
@Bayern München is the best! , maybe you want something like this: [usEgbvbSV7AnQqcAyv7=http://sillysoft.net/plugins/images/Snooker.jpg?]http://sillysoft.net/plugins/images/Snooker.jpg?[/i][/usEgbvbSV7AnQqcAyv7]
Yes,but there aren't lines at the center and crossing the reds :)
When are you going to end the votes?

Edited 11/9/2015 20:30:06
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 20:43:16

Level 68
Use all your map making skills to see if you can make a 3v3 strategic map, which is better than Troll's Europe. Actually just redrawing the map with decent borders would be good enough.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 20:49:47

Level 58
^^ ooooh or like a larger map for teams that is strategic. I don't think Troll's europe can ever be replaced.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 21:01:57

Level 50
A map of the town of Innsmouth from the HP Lovecraft story, The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 21:32:59

Level 54
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 21:54:30

Level 60
One would think you'd have had the time to learn Inkscape given that it's been 2 years.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 21:54:36

Lord of Turnips
Level 60
Alagaesia from the Inheritance Cycle.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-09 21:55:03

Hai Guise Wahts Uhp?
Level 35
theres already a really bad wheel of time map, would be nice to see a good one.
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-10 10:37:40

Captain Weasel
Level 26
Not a request, just generally I think there can be more novelty maps that try new mechanics. I would love to finish this map one day: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?DesignMapID=16874

It's a space map, with some weird features like mining bonuses and science bonuses. Some planets are more worthwhile to conquer than others. You need to have a spaceport on a planet to travel to other planets in the same solar system.

Edited 11/10/2015 10:46:50
Which map do you want to see on Warlight?: 2015-11-10 15:01:32

Level 61
I have seen the link you gave for the snooker. All 15 balls between the pink and black are red.
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