I was looking at both threads when I tried to respond and wrote a mixed reply (sorry). I'll just post it here from the other thread (thread title: "The Grandest of Wake Up Calls")...
I'm not a big diplo player, so I don't know most of the Falcons, but I can honestly say that when I first joined about a year ago, it seemed like the Falcons were active in the forums and a variety of game types. I really haven't seen or heard from them in a long time. That's neither positive nor negative - merely that it seems they were way more active in the WarLight community than they have been lately.
Regarding what you said about clan leadership, I mostly agree. The leader is the cultivator and guardian of the clan culture - above anything else. I've got a pretty good little group of players and haven't really had any problems. However, if anyone significantly made problems, I would totally boot. It's not about making people happy... clan membership is voluntary... if someone wants to change things away from the vision or make a bunch of unnecessary rules and stuff, the leader has got to handle it in his or her own way, but it has to be handled for the sake of the clan.
I read the other thread. It seems like Cade wants to do the work to make a difference. With that resolve and some patience, he could really make things happen.
I hope The Royal Falcons make a great comeback and grow well.
Edited 12/13/2015 06:48:58