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"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-01 23:43:09

Level 60
If I understand this right, you want to be able to remove players from games in progress?

What's to stop somebody from removing a player because they are losing/winning/an obstruction?

AFAIK Diplos are games with rules that are already made up, not part of the warlight infrastructure. Why would Fizzer need to make something to support that specifically, when you could just choose who you play with? Or remove people before the game starts, who are not active, or not joining?

No, talking about removing a person from a game while looking for players. The invite phase. In case someone joins and proceeds to be a dick.

And this is also valid for FFAs, not only diplomacies. FFAs are a part of the "warlight infrastructure", so...
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 01:28:02

Hog Wild
Level 58
If it is about the invite phase, the host could just set the game to start when he/she clicks begin. giving them plenty of time to see if someone is acting up already...?

I already see that happening on occasion.
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 02:09:00

Level 59
Tbh, I don't seem to get any of these sorts of problems in my games, so I'm not 100% sure what the problem is...

Saying that I always blacklist troublesome players, so they can't ever join my games. I think most of my regular players would say my games are generally pretty stable?
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 02:36:36

Level 59
+ For the idea of Private Games
- For the idea of Password Games

What about option to reject?
For me its a two-way street. If one can invite then he should have the opposite function as well to reject? We can argue that there are roughly two ways to make games (lets leave out he private game idea at moment): Either Open-room + optional invites or Reserved seats for players aka Full Invitation.

Now the problem lies none of us want unwanted players in our games: we have two-methods thus far via Blacklist and Prerequisites.

For me I feel it is rather fool-proof system, unless a player´s games are constantly harassed by a Troll - seems rather rare occasion. Most people fear the misuse of this tool of declining players by force and so do I. For example if I join as a full team with my friend - a player may decline one of my friends and start the game before I can decline. Therefore we would be in minority or forced to play with stranger in team game against another team, that what was not my intention.

Warlight has proved more than once, that people are obsessed with Level, stats and points here. I do not care if someone deliberately declines experienced players to raise his stats, Farming is faster method - ask Lottery players or Certain clans. As well you can set max level on prerequisite and other cool things help you to hide your games from ranked players. But too much power to host, at least in my eyes makes joining games as a team risky business.

And really if things are that bad, then just Delete The game and re-host, even with 40 players it would take few minutes to invite them all. And if one fears, they do not join - then probably they were not up to the game in first place! This tool would be used in wrong reasons mainly in my eyes - cant see why would I need it. This is enough - that I can delete my games if something is going wrong.

What we truly need is Option to host private game - so I would not need to add absurd prerequisites, although its not hard to make - just why not make a workaround every-day function! Surely I am not alone here. - Need uservoice link for decent idea here - will give my +3 straight away!
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 03:07:42

Level 59
I can see why Fizzer isn't keen to add the options to kick players from games tbh
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 04:07:55

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
As I'm sure I already made clear, this option would only work until the game starts, the same way you can't add people to the game once it has started.

There are two possible ways for this to work. The first is basically just removing the block on the host "removing players that have already hit accept".

The second is changing the "accept" button to a "request" button, which sends some form of notification to the host who can accept or reject the player who has requested to join his game.

Either way, this option should only be possible in games with 20+ seats to prevent abuse, and perhaps it can even be introduced as part of the future "diplomacy" update which probably will never happen.

Hope that clears some of the fog for the haters.
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 04:17:44

Level 59
"The second is changing the "accept" button to a "request" button, which sends some form of notification to the host who can accept or reject the player who has requested to join his game."

Isn't far off what a Private game would be like anyway...?

There's a lot more suggestions than we can handle, are there any other developers about willing to chip in? Everyone has been busy over the holidays too, which is understandable...

Edited 1/2/2016 04:18:47
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 13:24:15

Level 59
I would see that request -> accept/reject function as this. That sometimes prerequisites are just false and player could still ask to join without sending an e-mail asking to invite. Happened with me rather a lot of times - and to be honest, usually someone who sends and e-mail, takes his time and is player to be considered in game. This would eliminate that, but just to speed up the process I would favor this angle approach.

But not that Accept game would be by default request. Like I explained above: If I join as a team, then either some or half of my team could be declined, and I have to end up playing with unwanted players. Its too common here, the Host just wants game to shift in his advance - I do not want to be bad person - but there is not just enough morale and ethics among Warlight players, although it should be strategy game (which I have beginning to doubt a lot lately).

- Private Game seems at moment the best way to play. And I would add the Request button for option, when player cant join due to BS or high prerequisites. But never as default!

Edited 1/2/2016 13:31:36
"Reject Player" (Alternative to Private Games): 2016-01-02 16:20:51

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
^I feel you...
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