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New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-01-30 18:33:21

Level 51
I dont believe that Fizzer is the one who decide what happens with the game. I expect there are already some rich hands on this game, who want to make profit.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-01-30 20:15:40

Level 61
Maybe we could use set of cards by ourselves - by account settings?
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-01-30 21:59:12

Level 54
Could you give us the option to choose between the new and the old?

Suggestion for change art :

Reinforcement - include infantry!

Reconnaissance - Perhaps a sniper or guy hiding behind trees

Surveillance - Guy set up on a watchtower overlooking a town

Blockade - An organized evacuation from an area filled with traps or fortifications (find a way)
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-01-31 09:05:35

Level 61
I still don't like them. The original cards looked cleaner, more appealing.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-01-31 12:41:01

Level 59
Although I still prefer the original ones, those are better than the first update, now we can distinguish them better. I'll still push for a return to the old ones, but I can live with those
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-01 00:57:16

Level 61
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-01 04:53:34

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Why are you making a serious strategy game seem cartoonish? Also the shortened word forms are confusing if you haven't played the game long.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-01 06:47:06

[WM] แต€แดดแดฑ๐“•๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ 
Level 60
great update imho, but please please please keep the names which are commonly used by players for a few years already - namely:

OP - Order Priority
OD - Order Delay

plus some of the abbreviations are indeed very misleading while could be swapped for something else - eg. reinforcement card could be labelled "ADD" which would be instantly recognized as "add +20"
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-01 21:06:55

Level 59
why is the renforement card diffren't to the ones in game

i like both i just want to know why

Edited 2/1/2016 21:08:25
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-02 01:12:24

Level 61
Well, after some experience with the "new" new cards i can say:

I see three cards that are red :-(

And i still prefer an option to see the old one...
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-02 13:10:33

Gy Sgt Hartman
Level 29
Pretty awesome designs, good to see that Warlight is still growing.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-02 15:13:20

Orthrus Echo Five
Level 53
Sanctions card is the coolest one in my opinion. These all must have been really hard to draw.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-02 19:45:15

Nate NM
Level 56
Wonderful. The art is fine, don't let the critics get to you.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-03 00:21:25

Level 59
Who did the art? (Sorry if this question was already answered, I haven't read the full thread.)
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-03 03:57:43

Level 59
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-03 03:59:16

Level 59
I came foul of the Emergency Blockade today, I accidently used a Blockade and completely messed up my turn (it was a Multi-attack move)

Man, who would have thought I could mix up such distinct looking and named cards?
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-03 04:33:14

Coronel Gavilan
Level 59
Fleece... so, you played a game without seeing the cards properly?? That's your fault, not the design...
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-03 13:27:26

the Bloody-Nine 
Level 60
These cards are worthless on the mobile app. Might as well not even have pictures. Did this get vetted or just "hey, that's neat, why not?"

Please give an option to change back to the originals or let us upload our own local versions.
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-04 00:28:38

Level 59
"Fleece... so, you played a game without seeing the cards properly?? That's your fault, not the design..."

I'm not even sure I understand this sentence...
New Cards Design - Update 2: 2016-02-04 08:58:52

Level 51
Trying to improve failed card designs is like trying to dry out crackers that have fallen in a puddle. You can slightly improve them (and have), but the accident already happened. Throw them out.
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