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New map, any ideas?: 2016-01-31 14:09:48

[NL] Willem van Oranje
Level 57
I didn't read those stories so I don't know anything about the Discworld XD
New map, any ideas?: 2016-02-02 15:44:25

Level 46
okay then make a map of the Macedonian empire
New map, any ideas?: 2016-02-02 16:17:54

Level 49
map of the ottoman empire
map of pakistan!
New map, any ideas?: 2016-02-02 16:59:04

Angry Koala
Level 57
- An ancient world map (like late antiquity or middle age) for diplomacy games.

- A European middle age "Castle map" quite like Apollo's England map (I'm a great fan of this map).

- A better version of Middle Earth (the current ones are not bad but I guess something better could be done).

- A updated map of ASOIAF once the last book will be released (very soon, this spring).
New map, any ideas?: 2016-02-02 17:17:43

Level 56
Discworld would be amazing.
It would help to read the book,s but here are a few rough maps:

Edited 2/2/2016 17:27:19
New map, any ideas?: 2016-02-02 18:06:37

[NL] Willem van Oranje
Level 57
Thanks for the link GeneralPE, okay I think I've enough idea's to work with
These are the maps were I will be working on (and when it is going to be published) (is this a correct sentence?)
1. Indonesia (spring 2016)
2. El Salvador (summer/authum 2016)
3. Discworld (winter 2016)
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