Cuba almost achieved the ideals of Communism, the only thing that was fucked up was Fidel's autocratic leadership and censorship. Who knows if El Che has not been murdered by CIA agents and minions, what would have happened to Cuba?
Why America Should Be Communist: 2016-02-10 18:03:39
PLEASE FINALLY KILL YOURSELVES, BOTH CAPITALISTS AND COMMUNISTS! Then overpopulation is already not that big of an issue and we could start working on our goals...
Why America Should Be Communist: 2016-02-10 18:05:21
They all fail by themselves but if balanced they work together nicely
Socialism has many good qualities for workers and equality however by itself your basically telling people not to become successful because if you do we will take it away because its " fair " that way....
Capitalism has the ability to grow an economy to a massive size and gives new hope to shops and towns and it creates jobs. However by itself eventually what you end up with is a 1% with everything
Communism......Well.....We need communism as a reminder of what happens what you get too much socialism
I truly believe that we need all of those things in American government because they all have there purpose.
Edited 2/10/2016 18:41:28
Why America Should Be Communist: 2016-02-10 19:22:27
Im not denying that, I have said in the past that Socialism work well in smaller populated nations just like capitalism did in America during the industrial age. Its just a matter of circumstance and I firmly believe that in todays world its best to have a mixed system in America.
Edited 2/10/2016 19:39:38
Why America Should Be Communist: 2016-02-10 19:41:02