Just an update on group D
szwenk won his last game so now he grabs the last promotion slot (and saves huddjy a headache calculating all those 5-wins tie breakers!)
The relegations are also decided: Ink, Courvus and Fleece. This is because the remaining games will have no effect regardless of outcome. (zanbato beat both me and Corvus, and neither of us can get more points than him now)
So group D is unofficially over, thanks to everyone who played. Also on reflection I would like to stay in the league, and I agree that 5 games concurrently is likely the best option.
I was trying to automate the league tables, but I'm having trouble with my Xpath stuff (I think Warlight loads in an odd way, if I find a way to get around it I will let you know. Otherwise would everyone like me to make a googlespread sheet at least for now where you can paste your table and get the table I made above so you can at least check your own groups?)