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Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 07:36:13

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Here are the results of the recent ladder poll!

Previous thread: https://www.warlight.net/Forum/148782-official-ladder-poll-vote-here

The changes mentioned below will happen in the next WarLight update. Let's go over the results and talk about what changes will be made:

Voters liked the current 1v1 ladder settings, so they will stay.

The 2v2 ladder will increase to 3 picks.

Voters liked the current 3v3 ladder settings, so they will stay as-is.

Average rating of each seasonal ladder templates:
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10962347 Red Dead Redemption SR: 3.092715232
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10761004 British Raj: 3.038961039
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10574046 GME III: 2.972972973
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10573076 RDR Risky Income: 2.454545455
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=7190215 Warring States China: 2.47260274
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10821603 EoC High Picks: 2.263888889
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10469850 Earthsea 6x3 LFD 0% SR: 2.791666667
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10484432 Final Fant VII 3x4 0% WR: 2.708333333
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10946155 The Hustle: 1.85106383

The next season will be Red Dead Redemption SR!

Average ratings of existing RT templates:
Season V: Battle Islands V map: 4.285714286
Guiroma: 4.104651163
Strategic Greece: 4.058479532
Treasure Map: 3.926829268
China: 3.272189349
East Asia and Oceania map 0% straight round: 3.222222222
Season VII: Heavy Earth: 2.767857143
Season I: Light fog with in-distribution neutrals set to 0: 2.560240964
Season XXIII: Commanders on MME: 2.551515152
Season XII: Turkey Local Deployments: 2.438596491

Average rating of proposed RT templates:
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10951704 Old strat 1v1 0% WR: 3.816901408
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10201646 French Brawl: 3.615384615
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10905468 Strategic Phobia: 3.511450382
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10467150 Post-Melt Antarctica: 3.383458647
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10887159 Qina: 3.172932331
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10761004 British Raj: 3.162790698
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10669901 Snow Mountains MA: 3.069767442
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10574046 GME III: 3.061538462
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10818029 Legi's Black Sea: 3.0078125
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10962347 Red Dead Redemption SR: 3.039370079
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10469850 Earthsea 6x3 LFD 0% SR: 2.984375
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10413335 Strategic Yin'angzhou: 2.96031746
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=6248789 Fast Earth: 2.93129771
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10872159 RAD-O§IL: 2.874015748
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10901814 Strategic Italy: 2.809160305
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10484432 Final Fant VII 3x4 0% WR: 2.8
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=9132887 Great Lakes I - Limited Full Distribution: 2.702290076
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10915600 MA Island of Atlas: 2.65625
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10885159 France LD: 2.649253731
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10894277 Ancient China: 2.511627907
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10947916 Cidade de São Paulo: 2.449612403
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10900188 Georgia Army Cap: 2.385826772
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10874147 Machiavelli's Rome: 2.365079365
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=7190215 Warring States China: 2.365079365
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10573076 RDR Risky Income: 2.32
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10819986 Permanent Recon Cards: 2.25
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10837230 Battle Islands LD: 2.233082707
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10064677 Succession Wars - Lim Full Dist & Local Deployment: 1.928571429

I'd like to keep a Local Deployments and a Commander template on the RT ladder. So we'll swap Turkey LD for France LD, which was the highest rated LD template. We'll also swap Season I for Old Strat 1v1, and swap Heavy Earth for French Brawl. None of the proposed templates used commanders -- if anyone has a suggestion for a commander template for RT ladder, please share it!

Thanks to everyone who voted! We'll hopefully try to do another poll in the coming several months to further refine the ladders.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 07:44:25

Level 62
Great so when are the changes taking place?/ when is the net update?

Edited 5/7/2016 07:44:57
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 07:55:31

Level 62
season XXIII https://www.warlight.net/LadderTeam?LadderTeamID=13172
I think is the best balanced commander templates I played so far. Rome based templates aren't so good at the moment and are played only for FFA or some 1v1 coin game with tuned offensive/defensive kill ratio.
So XXIII seems the most known and played commander template atm.
If i were you I'd take it in consideration to let it in the Real time ladder and wait for some time to see if people like it or not.
Cordially FB
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 07:58:29

Luna {TJC}
Level 57
Great! That's some major improvement thanks fizzer.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 08:26:00

Level 60
Very satisfied with those results. Thank you so much Fizzer! The Real-Time and 2v2 Ladders are going to be greatly improved. I'm also glad the 1v1 Ladder will remain the same while the Strategic ME WR template will be added to the Real-Time Ladder. This should please everybody.

My only sadness is that Post-Melt Antartica didn't make it in. xP I also wish we could get rid of Local Deployments and Commanders, but I understand your reasoning.

Again, thank you!

Edited 5/7/2016 10:02:31
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 09:01:53

Level 63
1st of all, I want to thank Fizzer for asking the community about their preferences about the settings on the different ladders. I am mostly happy with the results, in particular 1v1 ladder and 2v2 ladder.

I am aware it might be impossible to make, but would it be possible next time to vote on the possibility to have more than 1 template on each of the MD ladders(1v1, 2v2, 3v3)? Having more than 1 template could add more diversity on the MD ladders and, hence, more diversity and challenge for the players that participate in it. It would also prevent people from being too specialized in only one type of template. Being specialized is great, but I am unsure it really determine who is the best player(s) on a particular type of game (1v1, 2v2, 3v3).

I am aware having more than 1 template could result in less standardisation because people wouldn't play the different templates equaly, but this is the case on RT ladder and people seem to like RT ladder.

I would like that people tell me what they think of this idea (if it is a good idea or not, if it is possible to do or not, etc.)

Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 09:17:17

Level 61
There is a reason why LD and Commander templates were rated poorly.

What's the point of making a poll if then you're going to ignore the results to bring in a template rated 2.6 and not to kick out the template rated 2.55?

I don't think Local Deployment is fit for RT games for the simple reason that a game with LD could drag out for 30+ turns, turning into a 2 hours+ game

Why not swapping the LD template with the Multi Attack one? Snow Mountains was rated more than 3 and it makes up for fast and strategic games

Edited 5/11/2016 18:43:03
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 09:41:59

Level 58
LD on bigger maps with the current 3 minute timer makes it so that you really have to deploy fast and make your moves especially if you have like 20+ moves to get your armies to the front line, then it's more a race of who can take their moves faster then it actually is for who is the better player considering it might turn out to be a boot since you were out of bank time. This is something that has to be prevented and i think on france you might get this problem if the game actually is dragging out to a point that both players have to make all these moves to get armies to the front lines.

I have to also agree with Seph on the MA, even though i personally don't like MA i still think it's way better suited for the RT ladder then the LD templates in the list were.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 09:59:46

Level 58
There is a reason why LD and Commander templates were rated poorly. What's the point of making a poll if then you're going to ignore the results to bring in a template rated 2.6 and not to bring out the template rated 2.55?

It shows the diversitiy of WarLight? When one out of a huge amount of templates is on settings that the majority doesn't like but it shows a different aspect of WarLight then it kinda seems OK for me and that's why I would also like a multiattack real time ladder template.

The interesting part about the poll is how highly the no luck settings won both in the move order and in the rounding mode. New players almost always play without luck and swapping from no luck to luck is way more weird than swapping from luck to no luck. When time passes the old settings involving luck will become a niche for the oldtimers.

With the way the poll was set up it was clear that 3v3 Europe would get the most votes since it was the only possible vote besides a free text vote. Imo the 3v3 ladder is completely underplayed and I put in "RoR" as alternative. Surely swapping 3v3 Europe for RoR would cause some outcry in the loud 3v3 Europe community however I'm sure the ladder would be way heavier played. 3v3 Europe has become more an... "elitist" template while the masses play RoR.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 11:10:00

Level 60
Please also add all proposed templates rated above 3 :(

Making a very good list of RT templates:

Battle Islands
Treasure Map
French Brawl
Strat ME WR
Commanders on MME :(
France LD
----------------------- (please add because they were all rated higher than commanders)
Post-Melt Antarctica
British Raj
Snow Mtns MA

Anyways, I can handle not playing the 1v1 ladder now, because 2v2 just got a lot better, and RT got a TON better.

Edited 5/7/2016 11:14:57
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 11:18:47

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
I side with adding MA instead of LD for the RT-Ladder.

LD usually drags out long, while RT-Ladder should be for quick games. MA supports quick games. Swap it.

and FFS commanders. go away with them :(

and i'd like to see an increase from 10 to 15 templates, as long as good (rated 3+) get added.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 11:41:42

Level 60
I'm going to guess the next update will come out tomorrow, not a big update, but just to change a few things, like this.

I'll be disappointed if he doesn't add 2 or 3 templates, because RT ladder is what I had high hopes for.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 11:45:39

Level 68
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10821603 EoC High Picks: 2.263888889

The fact that this was rated near the middle of all the suggested seasonal templates is shocking, its complete crap for 1v1.

Season V: Battle Islands V map: 4.285714286

Even more surprising, while its a good template I have never read anyone saying its their favourite template.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 12:03:54

Level 58
Even more surprising, while its a good template I have never read anyone saying its their favourite template.

It depends on what you are looking for in a game I guess and then it has it's fanbase.
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 12:09:11

Level 59
What is the point of having a poll if you're just going to ignore the results?
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 12:27:05

Level 58
1. Damn, wanted Random
2. Damn, wanted WR
3. Wop wop! Raise to 3 :D
4. yeah keep it at 5 imo
5. The only way is Europe

6. RDR is ok, but I much prefer 2, 3, and 4 (Raj, GMEIII and the better RDR imo). I also LOVE FFVII WR. HOW did it rate so badly? Everything else seems in order.

7. Battle Islands, Guiroma, Greece, Treasure Map, China top 5. Good to know they're staying <3 I like them. I guess EA&O is here to stay.

So we'll swap Turkey LD for France LD, which was the highest rated LD template. We'll also swap Season I for Old Strat 1v1, and swap Heavy Earth for French Brawl.

This is OK. I'm glad Strat 1v1 is on the RT ladder, and I love French Brawl. I'd much rather Season I was replaced with Phobia or Antarctica... :S It's still such a shame that FFVII did so poorly. Legi's Black Sea, Raj, Qina, GME III are also cool

But shouldn't you swap out an LD template for an MA template? They're both interesting peripheral settings, and I think this vote proved that MA is more popular than LD, so why not have MA Snow Mountains?

Anyway, this was a lot of criticism, but overall I am really satisfied with it. 1v1 ladder showed that the majority is with SR, 2v2 ladder got lots better, 3v3 ladder stayed good, next Seasonal will be fun, and RT ladder got a lot better! Thanks for this change and allowing us to vote, can't show more gratitude! :D
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 12:55:30

Level 64
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... post-melt... so close...

Battle islands is one of my favourite templates buns

Thanks fizzer for the polls! Looking forward to the next one to improve the ladders further.

Edit: Is there a possibility of increasing the amount of templates and putting in post-melt, and phobia in, as well as maybe snow mounatains MA.

Edited 5/7/2016 13:00:34
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 13:04:07

Level 60

See the list I proposed
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 13:21:43

Level 60
poor mod, i can imagine his tears
Official ladder poll: Results!: 2016-05-07 13:23:08

Level 61
I am happy that this poll happened and helped improve the ladders.
2v2 ladder change is good. I am also happy to have French Brawl and Old Ladder in RT ladder while see Heavy Earth and Season I gone (EA&O staying though :( ). Next seasonal also looks like lots of fun (I really wanted British Raj though :P).

BUT, I don't understand the LD thing. The poll clearly shown that this setting is just unwanted. Even the MA template has much more support (finishing over 3/5), so adding this one in place of LD one would be for better while keeping variety level.

Anyway - thank you for that and hope the next ladder poll will happen soon. :)

Even more surprising, while its a good template I have never read anyone saying its their favourite template.

It seems that there is no people who dislike this template though. Maybe actually put it in 1v1 ladder instead of controversial MME SR or ME WR? :D
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