ah, no, you aren't funny
This is why everyone loves you so much, Norman. (Like everybody loves Raymond. (Yeah, so my cultural references are vintage, sue me!)) You're just so affable. Or maybe I'm thinking of a different seven letter word that starts with "a", is followed by two consecutive consonants and ends with "e." Message me if you can't figure it out, Norman.
But without any sarcasm, you have signed up for this job and the other scorekeepers are doing their job, which isn't belitteling the leader of the winning team but keeping the Excel sheet updated.
1) It's spelled "belittling"
2) In my (admittedly biased) view, GrEx is doing a fantastic job of being scorekeeper. In addition to making beautiful charts and graphs, he has been doing the whole GoT themed bios for each clan. That is going above and beyond ordinary scorekeeping duties, and no other scorekeeper is nearly as interesting. I intentionally use the word "interesting" in lieu of a word with more obvious positive connotations for all his haters out there. Like him or not, there is no denying that this thread is interesting because of him. (Like Donald Trump is interesting. Like him or not, America's Presidential race is much more interesting because of him. (There's a more current reference, are you happy now? (Who am I talking to here?)))
3) What exactly are the required duties of scorekeepers anyway? Where has that been defined? Where are you getting this job description from?