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The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-13 21:04:00

Clint Eastwood 
Level 59
Kretoma, I love the map. I think it'd be great for diplomacy, and I'd love to help test once it's complete if able.

That's constructive input.
It's way too big for diplomacy game play (and don't even think about strategic play). Just look at what happened to that big world diplomacy map with 2k territories It SUCKS

That is not.

All I did was questioned why you needlessly insulted me, so if we could get this thread back on subject that'd be nice.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-13 21:32:30

Level 53
Sorry Clint, but the former comment was not constructive input either, just a mere expression of excitement.This is constructive input:

I would say your later maps are excellent at what they do:Exciting strat players, while diplo players, such as myself,could not care less about them. Technically, they are well made, they look fine, there is nothing wrong with them per say, but they are boring in my opinion. I think you have great potential, if only you made a big map that is not on a specific country. I couldn't care less about fighting in Tazmania, Panama or even my homeland in and of itself.

But hey, maybe you shouldn't listen to me. After all I am pretty eccentric when it comes to maps.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-14 21:50:18

҈ * TeeMee123҈ *
Level 55
Not that many people do diplo, and clint's maps are overall pretty great imo. warlight needs both big maps and small maps, and usually one person prefers one size, e.g. zxctycxz only makes super massive maps, I only make pretty small ones

Edited 4/14/2017 21:52:11
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-19 17:57:30

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Back on track. Hope i will finish Russia before the weekend.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-20 16:16:32

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Update. Here comes Mongolia. I was surprised in my research it already had that many settled locations at that time. A totally different situation that Kazakh lands.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-20 23:33:03

ZaZa The 🐧
Level 55
Looks like a nice map, cannot wait to try it.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-22 15:22:02

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Only one more bonus...

Edited 4/22/2017 20:30:44
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-23 13:45:58

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Russia is complete! :D

Next: Persia.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-23 21:52:28

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
Congrats! And you still have quite the number of territories left.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-24 17:42:46

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Update: Added 3 bonuses to Persia. Next: more Persia
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-24 19:32:46

Level 52
Russia looks really neat! I wonder what is the income difference between whole Russian Empire and German Empire in this map.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-25 14:16:14

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
@ Stewie:
Well thank you! :D
Last last AI-test i did made the AI that stated in Petrograd the winner without much opposition. Russia and its vassals are worth over 1200 income right now. To make a scenario more balanced, you would have to improve all Central European Provinces greatly. Right now German Empire and Colonies has 140 income that will mostly double after given its African possesions.

Update: Added 3 more bonuses to Persia, including a certain infamous British Company (BP!).

Edited 4/25/2017 14:18:27
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-25 20:07:50

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
While BP did have influence in Persia, was that land actually considered theirs?

Also, I would probably cut down the Siberia bonuses, but keep the Trans-Siberian one (showing how breaking it breaks Russia's supplies)
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-04-30 15:27:54

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Well, if i would go for lawful control, Egypt would be Ottoman and not British. ;) It was a concession and the tribe around it was bribed by the Brits so you could put it into the status of an informal princely state.

I will not cut down Siberia. The Russian government put huge effort into developing theese lands and it would not do it justice. Effectively, with LD on, no AI in my testruns was able to control the whole region alone.

Update: Added annother two bonuses to Persia.

Edited 5/1/2017 12:57:01
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-05-04 16:12:00

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Eurasia comes to a close (only one bonus left). Seems like i can start with Africa this week!
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-05-06 08:29:13

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Persia is finished.

Now there still remain the huge problems concerning Africa: True unbiased maps. Here is an example of two maps about the same region with largely different messages (i personally think the first one is more acurate, while the second is only British wet dreams): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Horn1915ad.png and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Somalia1911.png.

PLEASE help me with finding accurate information about Africa. :D

Edited 5/6/2017 08:30:08
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-05-06 10:56:39

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
It depends on whether you're looking for de facto or de jure control.

I'd say use the neater borders, but state some of the areas as "Somali tribes". Most maps of the time label it as such.
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-05-06 10:59:07

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-05-06 14:30:57

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
Added two bonuses in Libya.

I would totally prefer de facto control, armies do not give a shit what person defenders nominally fight for. Thank you for your help, that map is nice. :D
The Great War - 1914 huge map: 2017-05-06 15:37:08

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41

The interior of Somalia, including some parts of modern eastern Ethiopia, were part of the Dervish State. The Italians invaded them in WWI, as they were seen as Ottoman allies.
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