^Felidae isn't a collectivist entity
You can not simply claim that something is collectivist or not. If it's not supported by facts, then the claim is void. Felidae is a group of users, an self-named "movement", that is known for mass-downvoting certain things you don't like. All of this is within sphere of collectivism.
I also fail to see how sex is less collectivist than cloning/replicating. Both of these can be made in order to lenghten existence of a society, therefore they are collectivist. Only difference is that sex is a big pleasure to both beings that do it - even if not made for procreation, meaning it stops being collectivist at all - and reaching for own pleasures can be seen as individualism.
Moreover, you don't have the right to decide what other people should do - this includes sexual interactions. This is anti-individualist, which goes against your self-proclaimed pro-individualism.