No middle earth. The whole reason for another ladder is to get away from the classic middle earth. If its middle earth i will likely leave. But thats just me
I agree with miyagi. Why bother with 1v1 strat, the point is to do lots of formats.
Also to gnuff there is no way to set game max (you can probably do anything with enough programming, i guess). It just matches up people not in games currently
Dude. It ain't rocket science: You did the map change, Fizzer approved the map change, none of you realized it would screw with the template, it did, shit happens, we moved on, i ended up closing the CLOT. What's the drama?
If you got unresolved ego issues i suggest you contact the warlight withdrawal syndrome hotline, you can just dial 555-SODOFF and Pulsey will be there for you.
I don't want to brag but the warlight hotline ps mentioned is of very high quality. I've managed to cure numerous patients of their ills already.
Last week ps called me to tell about some indecent fantasies that have been haunting him for a while now. He fantasized about wrestling in oil with MotoXXXXX and some other young boys, and doing things to them that cannot be disclosed on this forum. I managed to cure him of these thoughts and he seems like a satisfied customer :)
Hah, I only just now figured out how to join. CLOT link, then click on login at bottom left corner. Mentioning it in case any other players wanting to join are as dense as I am XD
Voter tournout looks like taken from russian election, but whatever:P Could anyone provide a link to proper guiroma template? (i'm a bit confused with many variants and not sure what settings are correct)