Before I clicked the link, I thought it would just be someone being a full undisputed arse, stalling hard, being mean, some kind of dirty play.
When I clicked the link, I saw that you made a big deal over nothing. Admittedly Wins was playing slowly but Smurf was cool with it. And then he offered the win as long as he
gave money or helped to a charity organisation. Both players were friendly to each other, so no bad behaviour, either. If anything this kind of bribing needs to become WAY more popular.
The only possible problem I see here is that it lowers the legitimacy of 2000+ ranked players if one more joins amongst them, and more broadly, the ladder's legitimacy? Also his stalling but who doesn't do that at the high ranks?
Seems like he just wanted to try to game the system a bit and then he stopped.
the market will price him accurately after more games. Or he'll ragequit.
Wow, big respect to Papa Smurf...