Disclaimer: Wally Balls News and Meme Gathering Services Inc. [The Company] cannot guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of this content. If you suffer from intelligence, common sense or logical deficiencies and cannot differentiate between jokes and reality or do not realize when you are being trolled, consider checking with the nearest adult before consuming The Company's content. The Company cannot be held responsible for any loss or harm that comes to you as a result of consuming our content, such as butthurt so extreme you require medical attention or time lost from work due to hurt fee fees because someone made fun of Donald Trump on the internet. Complaints can be written on a piece of paper and inserted into the nearest orifice.
The funny part about all this is, the people who are die hard Trump or bust have no real arguments against Wally (I stand with him, the shit that they're blindly ignoring is ridiculous.).
The only real argument I've heard about the travel ban is that past presidents have done the same thing. The only argument I've heard on warlight is, "Ad hominem"