Cl9 Q1 Comprehensive Update ICompleted Games:Detonates Winner
3v3 Deadman's Rome:
Olympus vs Poon Squad (non-join win)
2v2 Guiroma:
HYDRA vs Olympus (non-join win)
FCC vs Olympus (non-join win)
1v1 Guiroma:
HYDRA vs Olympus
Poon Squad vs FBG
FCC vs ACME (boot)
1v1 Old Strat ME:
1v1 Volcano Island
Poon Squad vs FCC
Data Summary: Progression:Since this is the first major update, no progression can be provided.
Overview:After the first week, as many predicted, FCC and HYDRA occupy the first two places early in the competition. The FCC currently leads in the running with 16 total points, followed by HYDRA, who is not far behind with ten points. Poon Squad and FBG have also gained 5 and three points respectively, with Dragons beating Andresso in a 1v1 and Poon Squad racking up a non-join win. ACME is largely unchanged, however, loses three points due to a boot, courtesy of biggreen15, on 1v1 guiroma. Olympus is stuck in the mud due to several non-shows in their tournaments, highlighting the possibility that their roster may have been haphazardly been put together.
Clan by Clan:ACME:A quiet week by ACME. Not much to say here. However, a boot win for FCC courtesy of bigreen15 may point to an unstable future for this clan,and may sink them.
FCCFCC has opened the first week of competition strong, racking up 16 total points, tied only by 7th Heaven in Q2 for that total amount of points. In addition, FCC has yet to drop a game, which means that they are the only clan in Q1 who still has 90 max points. A critical matchup vs HYDRA in Guiroma 1v1 highlighted the week, allowing them to gain cruicial points vs a significant rival. I shoulden't get too comfortable with my own clan's progress quite yet, however, as 7 of these points came from boots/non-joins.
FBGFBG has been only slightly more active than ACME, having won one game and having been dealt two loses in 1v1 play, one from FCC and one from HYDRA. They did win against poon squad, however, and still retain 84 max points. We will have to see where this clan goes, and where the ultimately finish.
HYDRAHydra is also pretty healthy at the moment, sitting with 87 max points and 10 total points. They are definitely keeping up the pace against FCC. They may have dropped a game vs FCC, but they certainly could easily overtake the lead with a victory on another template against my clan at any time.
The Poon SquadPoon Squad sits in a similar situation to FBG currently. With 84 max points, they are well within battling distance. The only major difference is their non-join win garnered them 5 points, whereas FBG fought to get their 3 points on 1v1 guiroma. Once again, its very uncertain to prognosticate where exactly this clan is.
OlympusPoor Olympus. Their non-join losses have put them into the stinker hole early here. Whether they can recover from these issues is yet to be seen. They changed out some players to try and repair these problems, however, it does not fix the fact that they need to work their way out of a hole, with no won game and only 74 max points (lowest of any qualifier clan).
Game of the Week: were not many interesting games to pick from this week, so that means the game that may have the most repercussions down the road will get the spotlight. This game features the FCC victory over HYDRA in 1v1 Guiroma. A triple pick of Southern Italy allows Green Turtle to gain a quick income advantage early, however the players do have matched income when they meet. Jyu simply has better long term options than Green Turtle, which ultimately dooms him in this game.
Edited 2/11/2017 06:29:25