I create a Game in Flash and can´t start it in the Unity app.so i miss the "Start Game" button.
You're right, that's a limitation. Sorry about that.
when came the Message >Game "xyz" has just advanced. Do you want to switch to it?<
That message is trigged from push notifications, and there's a bug right now where push notifications are being sent more often than the should. I hope to have this bug fixed tomorrow. Sorry about that!
I noticed a bug when cancelling attacks where no armies are available for that attack.
I looked into this, and found it's the same way in the Flash version. So it's not a regression. Also, the attack won't do anything since there are no armies for it, so there's no harm in leaving it there. It's still something I would like to fix but it's a low priority for these reasons.
When using mobile (Samsung J7 Android) I have noticed that the games I create do not fill (real time and multiday). I have told fellow players that the game has been created (real time) but they can not find the game in the list of new games.
Unless you're using a Unity-specific feature like Commerce or Mods, this wouldn't act any differently than creating the game from Flash. Check the prereqs and such. In general though, if you want to play with specific people you should invite those specific people instead of adding open seats, so you don't risk randoms taking seats that you didn't want them to.
If the game doesn't have luck, then you need to use the attack/transfer dialogue (but only to see how much armies you need to take over).
I still need to figure out what the best way to present kill rates are in no-luck games. I don't like the no-luck graph that exists in Flash. Anyone have an idea on how best to present the data of how many armies to attack with in no-luck games? The goal should be to make it very easy for newbies to understand.
not being able to ctrl+click players/teams to highlight their territories
This is in Statistics now. This is necessary so that it's possible for mobile users to use it, since they can't ctrl+click.
when I try to chat, the text that I have already written is not visible.
I've heard of this issue, but I've never seen it on any of my devices. To those who have this issue, are you using any custom ROMs?