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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-10 04:40:27

Level 55
The monthly section about the Tour Race (results only from 2017 events)

  • The TOP20 of the 2017 Tour Race after November:

  • And here are the full list (with all 2017 results and records sheets):

  • Some quick interesting crumbs:
    • Still rakleader and Timinator are the two hottest players in the top, their point leads has increased to the others, and Timinator got closer to Rak ("only" 805 points differencies), nice duel for the first place!
    • Quick still has got a perfect win% (although no finished games in November) ;)
    • Buns did a 0-1, but he joined to one smaller event at least.
    • There are 4 players who joined to all events in 2017 so far (Arkanton, rakleader, Hunta, Master Bjarke)
    • 35 of 50 events finished so far
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-10 05:16:31

Level 55
New event finished, congrats time!

62. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Volcano Island
Congratulations to PJ017 for his second Tour event win! He is the 12th players who can win more than one Tour event.
And this win (just like the first one) is a 500 Series, so it means a nice 455 points boost and a TOP20 position for him.
Congrats to Quicksilver for his second place too. Although this is not a perfect win%, but with this second place he got 300 additional points, which is more than any other earlier perfect event win by him (those were 250 Series all for max. 250 points). With these points, he is already in the 11th position and only 56 more points need to the TOP10 (overtaking the fresh TOP10 krunx).
Congrats to Edge and Timinator as well for the podiums.

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-15 04:52:20

Level 55
New event finished, congrats time!

66. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Red Dead Redemption
Congratulations to Xenophon for his first Tour event win! This was his second finals, and after a 250 Series second place now he won an 500 Series, great job. With this win and the pure 500 additional points finally he is became a sure member of the TOP50 (around 32th), so no more wild cards necessary for him :P
Congrats to Boubou too for his magnificent second place! Beating rakleader, Cloud Strife, Edge, Timinator, JV is a very nice row! :O
Congrats to JV and PJ017 for his podiums as well! They are climbing on the Rankings side by side :D

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-15 08:32:43

Not Tito
Level 58
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-18 05:28:46

Level 55
Also, if someone steps in and does a consistently good job I'll pay them with coins. (If it makes a difference.) As will my buddies.

Time to this Quick ;)

Jokes aside, I would like to migrate the Tour administration tasks from my account to the AWP Admin account (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=5185080583)

But for this, need a membership for this account, because
  • the access to the only members templates (for events using Commanders or Bomb Cards)
  • creating more than 5 tournaments at a time (only members can ask this exception)
  • images on the forum (I use many, and in this way I would be able to put images in the first post (and in the other AWP Admin posts in the first page) too
I want to do this migration because for the easier Tour admin task sharing (this acount will be used strictly for the Tour administration tasks, only to create tournaments and make forum posts (no gaming)).
I mean the Tour admins would use a shared environment (this shared WarZone account and the corresponding shared google account and google drives docs) for Tour administration. In this way easier involve new admins (or replacing admins (for example me ;) ))

So I need the help of the competitive scene for this (viz. buying a membership for the AWP Admin WarZone account).
Quicksilver, could you organize this? ;) Or simple buy it from your million coins? :D

The best would be a lifetime membership, but a yearly can be option too (although the last one need additional work in every year, but the community can control the quality of the Tour Admin work in this way (won't buy new year membership if the quality is not ok ;) )).
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-18 13:10:23

Level 68
I withdrew all my coins just before withdraws ended. Though I've built up a few thousand again and I'm happy to contribute to whoever organises it
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-18 16:37:39

Level 62
Also very happy to chip in a few.. Keep up the good work Ekstone!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-18 19:15:23

John John Johnson
Level 58
Id also be willing to help out with the payments, if its necessary or not :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-18 21:45:24

Level 65
I'd be happy to chip in too. :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 05:33:19

Corn Silver 
Level 62
I'll organize this.

Please create coin games with me, for the amount that you want to contribute.

I'll make up any shortfall. It's only 5,899 coins.

Thanks in advance.

Edited 12/19/2017 05:33:46
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 05:45:24

Level 55
Thank you very very much guys for your offers!!!!

And thank you very much Quick that you organize it!
If possible, in the end, please send me the players who contributed (perhaps the coin amounts too), because I want to create a post in the first page (and put the link of it to the first post too before the table of contents) where I can list and say thank you everybody who contribute to the AWP World Tour (not only for these coins, but I got (and getting) many programming helps for automations too for example, or other helps earlier too).

Thank you again!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 06:59:01

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
i can chip in some too.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 07:55:17

Corn Silver 
Level 62
I already got 1,600 coins. Keep it coming in.

Thanks again.

Edited 12/19/2017 07:56:17
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 09:32:20

Level 64
While Quicksilver is busy improving his win% in coin games, you may have a look at the updated status of the tournaments here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSyqOBen4MBm6dKAVvwfd4NZ_qiUCsvBo8Yyga5hqJvYDKOTt-atuzSqFoaG1u8sDaX441nLA_LObjq/pub?gid=648212339&output=html

As of December 1, 16 tournaments were still ongoing or about to be launched. 3 of them have finished since then (Volcano, Ynangzhou, Read Dead Redemption), but they were not taken into account in Ekstone's latest monthly update.

So here are the players who have reached 2 or more finals (QF, SF, F) in those tournaments; a "+" indicates that the game has not ended yet and that this player could soon reach the next step.

5 events
  • Timinator : 1F+ 2SF, 1QF+, 1QF

    3 events
  • PJ : 1W, 1SF, 1QF+
  • Fireice82 : 2SF, 1QF
  • Wini : 1SF, 2QF
  • JV : 1SF+, 1SF, 1QF
  • malakkan : 1F+, 2QF

    2 events
  • Xenophon : 1W, 1QF+
  • Pardon99 : 1F+, 1SF+
  • Boubou : 1F, 1SF
  • Nemo : 2SF+
  • rakleader : 1QF+, 1QF
  • Quicksilver : 1F, 1QF+
  • Edge : 1SF, 1QF
  • Kezzo : 1SF, 1QF
  • Jackie Treehorn : 1F+, 1QF
  • Juan : 1SF+, 1QF+
  • Kurdistan : 1QF+, 1QF
  • Rufus Shinra: 1F+, 1QF
  • Nero : 1QF+, 1QF
  • ps : 1QF+, 1QF
  • Maréchal Lannes : 1SF, 1QF
  • Baer : 2QF

  • Edited 12/19/2017 15:20:18
    AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 11:10:53

    Level 61
    Such a nice plan to get a shiny trophy for christmas Quick ;)

    Ofc I'll support you and AWP with a few coins :)
    AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 14:52:22

    Level 65
    @malakkan: the link does not seem to open without logging in to google account. Ekstone links did not need any login.
    AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 15:20:57

    Level 64
    Indeed. I edited the post and it shall work better now.
    Thanks for the feedback !
    AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 17:36:27

    Corn Silver 
    Level 62
    AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-19 17:40:14

    Corn Silver 
    Level 62
    Thanks to:

    Buns - 1,600
    Malakkan - 800
    Rakleader - 800
    John John Johnson - 800
    PJ017 - 800
    Sloppyfatginger - 400
    Darkpie - 320
    Nemo - 80

    Total of: 5,600

    I made up the shortfall, and got us to 5,899.

    AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-12-20 04:24:12

    Level 55
    Wow! Thank you very very much for your contribute all!
    I am going immediately to replace the TOP10 text in the first post to the TOP10 image :D
    Then start the migration too.
    Thx again guys!

    5 events
    • Timinator : 1F+ 2SF, 1QF+, 1QF
    Timi is still on fire on the Tour :O

    Thank you very much for your update malakkan!
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