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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:49

AWP Admin 
Level 34
To many, it may seem that creating and running the AWP World Tour is only my merit, but many people have helped me over time and I want to thank them for that.

So thank you to the following contributors for their help in this cool AWP World Tour adventure:
  • First of all, thanks to Fizzer for creating this great game!
    Without it, there would be no AWP World Tour :)
    And he often helped me out when I had a problem.
  • I would like to thank the following people for their programming help
    • Deadman
      His Google script is a huge help in automating recording and scoring results, saving a lot of time in administration.
      And he also contributed a few ideas to the development of the Tour (e.g. the new design).
    • Krzysztof
      Without his scripts to automate invitations, I would have gone crazy for sure from a lot of invite clicks :)
    • Muli
      He embedded to his script the AWP
  • I would like to thank the following people for their administrative help
    • PJ (he also helped with ideas e.g. the much easier monthly system)
    • s1gmoyd (he also helped with ideas e.g. auto ranking)
    • Ƨillynamenace
    • malakkan
    • Min34
    • psykkoman
  • I would like to thank the members of the template panels
    • 2017
      Buns, Rakleader, MIFRAN, MoD, Wini, ANT, Panagiotis
    • 2018
      Quicksilver, Rakleader, Timinator, MoD, Wini, Buns, Malakkan
    • 2019
      Kicorse, Rento, Quicksilver, Beren, Timinator, AI, FSG, Rakleader, Platinium, MoD, RiverStyxie, Buns, Malakkan, JV
    • 2020
      Beren, MoD, Timinator, Alexclusive, AI, Rakleader, FSG, Buns, Hergul, GuestNWHSzY, Rento, Kicorse, Schwarz
    • 2021
      AI, Tornado, Hergul, Beren, Rakleader, FSG, Timinator, Alexclusive, MoD, Buns, GuestNWHSzY, ADHDnI, Jimmy
  • I would like to thank you for the coin donations from which we purchased the AWP admin's membership
      Buns - 1,600, Malakkan - 800, Rakleader - 800, John John Johnson - 800, PJ017 - 800, Sloppyfatginger - 400, Darkpie - 320, Nemo - 80 and Quicksilver who organized it and made up the shortfall.
  • And finally I want to thank the great players I was able to cheer for and the great Tour achievements I really enjoyed
I hope I didn't miss anyone, five years is a long time and really a lot of people helped. Thanks again to everyone!

Edited 5/27/2021 07:02:34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:53

AWP Admin 
Level 34
2021 Tour Finals forum topic:

Edited 4/7/2022 21:37:26
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:56

AWP Admin 
Level 34

Edited 5/21/2020 04:17:48
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:00

AWP Admin 
Level 34

Edited 5/21/2020 04:18:59
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:03

AWP Admin 
Level 34

Edited 5/21/2020 04:19:44
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:07

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:10

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:14

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:18

AWP Admin 
Level 34
  • Very weird templates
    Where the gameplay is very different than the standards. Templates with game changing mechanics (MA, LD, ArmyCap, No-Split, Commanders, Changed kill rates), templates with many special settings. These are usually the controversial templates (hated by many but loved too)

  • Soft weird templates
    Where the gameplay is different a bit than the standards. Templates with no game changing mechanics, but with a few gimmicks (e.g. weird maps (symmetrical, brawly, big, etc.), weird bonuses (INSS, Super bonuses, negative bonuses, etc.), weird incomes, weird neutrals/wastelands, weird distribution, weird cards, weird fogs, extra armies, etc.)

  • Standard SR templates
    Those SR templates which do not belong to the weird categories

  • Standard WR templates
    Those WR templates which do not belong to the weird categories

Edited 1/8/2021 05:59:20
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:21

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:26

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:30

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:34

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:37

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:42

AWP Admin 
Level 34

Edited 1/8/2021 05:58:58
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:45

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The Tour is 1 year old!

Welcome to the new home of The Tour.

Edited 6/6/2017 03:49:36
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
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