AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-05 04:11:52 |

Mista Sista
Level 57
First time hearing of this. How long has this tournament been going on?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:26:53 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
@Min34 You are welcome ;) @Plat Done. @Mista Sista There are 50 tournaments per year on the Tour, so I don't understand your question. Btw we have a FAQ (not completed though) you get answer your question from this.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:29:17 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 09/2018 The TOP20 on the 2018 Tour Race after September:

You can find the full list here (with all 2018 results and records sheets):
And now some analysis words about September and the current Tour situation.
As you can see, kicorse conquered the Tour! Only with 19 finished events! And he is still on fire (most ongoing finals), which means he has a very good chance to break rakleader's highest ranking points record, only 1210 additional points need during 31 events without expiring points! (ok, actually he can't gain too many points from the lower events (only with winning or second place in 500 Series events), but still two Grand Slam and 6 Masters without expiring points!) I am wondering how many records will be gained by kicorse in the end. He has got two already. And I am very wondering who will be able to stop him?
Because the other side is... Timinator was booted out at least from 9 events (including a Grand Slam and two Masters), which destroyed his Ranking for a while :(((( Seems that Quicksilver does a WZ break (not joining and surrendered at least 5 games because of this) :(((( Buns booted out from 4 major events, and not joined one, so seems he not only won't play on lower events for Ranking purpose but will stop play on the majors too :(((( MoD already plays on the Tour only casually. Pana retired, MIFRAN semi retired. rakleader focused on CL instead of the Tour.
Ok we have some other really good names in the pack, but kicorse's advantage now is very huge, so his domination now is inevitable. But the people need the show, the big fights, so come on guys! :P
When I write people, I write about myself ;) As you know, the Tour administrations mean manual works (10+ hours per month) for me. My biggest motivation for this that I can see here some great performances and great fights for the top. But if you guys start to get bored of the Tour it will be boring for me too :( Ok, still interesting to see where will be the limit for kicorse, how high records he will reach, but would be much interesting if would be one or more players who can compete with him on that high level. So we need some more Tour Hero here ;)
Oh, and the regular question :) Who will be that 8 players who will fight for the year-end trophy? Sure that kicorse will be one with that 5000+ points. Likely Rento will be the second participant with 3000+ points. So we have only 6 remained positions in the Tour Final. Who will be that 6? ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:49:42 |
[WG] Reza
Level 60
Can I get my flag changed, I have no clue why it has been US flag :D
Either Britain or Iran depending on how you give the flags
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-07 05:57:26 |
[WG] Reza
Level 60
Put Iran please thanks
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-14 04:39:47 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
I have updated the future events until the end of 2019. You can find them here in this forum topic: in the google sheets too: them, and if you have any proposals (regarding new templates, removing bad templates, changing template levels (between the GS, Masers, 500 and 250 Series) because the changing popularity, etc.) just write here or send me a mail and I will discuss it with the template panel. As a reminder, here are the template concepts of the Tour:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-14 17:48:08 |
Level 62
A few thoughts:
- The standard of the templates is consistently very good, and this is part of the reason that I rate the AWP Tour so highly. There are a few that I don't personally get on with, but almost none that I think are objectively bad.
- My impression is that Snowy Mountains MA is not the most highly rated MA template. Nor is MA the most played unusual setting, at least not if INSS is regarded as an unusual setting (see next comment). So its Grand Slam status could be looked at.
- You could apply a stricter definition of what belongs in the clay court season. I can understand why you put Poland and Great Lakes there, for example, but they don't fit your official criteria (templates with extra settings). They would, however, bring some welcome diversity to the hard court season.
- While I'm not a fan of WR myself, I tend to agree that it deserves a Masters as well as a Grand Slam. This could be Strategic Commanders, for example (currently a 250 series tournament in the clay court season, but it seems to be highly regarded).
- As we've discussed privately, Ekstone, a subset of 250 series tournaments could be a good platform for innovation, which is even more needed now that the seasonal ladder no longer serves this purpose. That said, I can understand the "why tamper with perfection" argument, and maybe the community just needs to come up with a separate event for this.
I'm not saying you should make all of these changes. The AWP Tour definitely does *not* need an overhaul. But each one individually is worth discussing. I realise that I'll probably be on the panel next year, which is why I'm throwing them out there now.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-22 06:21:14 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
@Beren tornado is right, the main reason was roughly follow the ATP seasons, but not only this. I mean, it seemed that the WR templates perfectly fit the Grass tennis season. A template type which was very popular and standard in the past, but now replaced by the SR templates, while the main WR template (old 1v1 ladder) has got still a very big respect. Just like the grass courts/season and Wimbledon in the tennis :) But if the majority of the panel think we need a WR Masters too, I will change it. Just give me proposals about which WR template should be as a Masters, and which present Masters should be replaced by it.
@kicorse the Strategic Commanders is not fit the WR season, because it is a weird template (not a standard WR at all) using Commander. And because the One Army Must Stand Guard: Off setting it is not very popular neither as I know, so this is why only 250 Series event in the Clay season.
And you are on the panel already, not only next year ;) I will create a new panel mail thread soon.
Now, I have to go, but later I will answer your other points too.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-22 22:44:30 |

Level 62
What would be cool to have is a team-event at least once throughout the AWP World Tour!
The ones where you can play with your alt.
Are team events totally out the window 100%? or will they be a very odd occurrence?
Just some food for thought!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-24 04:27:57 |

Level 55
We have already had a team event with alts: I never create new one, because the more difficult invitations and it was not so popular neither (it was uncomfortable for many to play (login) with alts) And only this alt teams event format can fit to the present Tour. Anyway, I had an idea about implement a Team Tour (with 2vs2 and 3vs3 events without alts) using independent Rankings for it, similar than ATP Doubles Rankings ( But not enough freetime for it, so feel free and somebody pick up this idea and start a Team Tour ;) And if I am already talking about picking up my ideas, here are some more which you can pick up and start :D - Implement the Davis Cup (this is a single elimination event for minimum two-person national teams, where the teams play 4 1vs1 and 1 2vs2 games in a round)
See more:
- Making a CLOT for the Tour, in order that we can use these features:
I will implement the year end ATP Finals (another earlier idea) but I won't the rest, because I would rather focus on new AWP projects (I have a tons of ideas! without enough free time :/ )
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-30 05:06:09 |

Level 55
- My impression is that Snowy Mountains MA is not the most highly rated MA template. Nor is MA the most played unusual setting, at least not if INSS is regarded as an unusual setting (see next comment). So its Grand Slam status could be looked at. I will put this for discussion in the panel mail thread. I chose MA template for the 4th Grand Slam as a Roland Garros, because I had a feeling that the MA setting has the most different gameplay, and many players are not comfortable with it. Just like on the clay courts in the tennis. This is why the popularity wasn't so important in this case. But I am open for the changes. - You could apply a stricter definition of what belongs in the clay court season. I can understand why you put Poland and Great Lakes there, for example, but they don't fit your official criteria (templates with extra settings). They would, however, bring some welcome diversity to the hard court season. I will put this for discussion in the panel mail thread too. Poland here because its weird bonus system (maybe not enough weird, I dunno), Great Lakes because the LFD distribution, but I planned to remove this template first if we have a new weird template. I am very open for the changes, just give me exact proposals (which in which out) in the panel ;) As we've discussed privately, Ekstone, a subset of 250 series tournaments could be a good platform for innovation, which is even more needed now that the seasonal ladder no longer serves this purpose. That said, I can understand the "why tamper with perfection" argument, and maybe the community just needs to come up with a separate event for this. As I wrote I am open for putting new designed templates for a few 250 Series events. As in the past, for example Pangea Ultima.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-10-30 13:04:45 |

Level 59
Hey Ekstone,
Do you know why the "Events" table (on this page, below) does not update?
And can there be a more user-friendly way to display the scores? Personally I don't understand what the "Rankings" table (below) shows, because when I click "Show All", the Google Sheet that opens is not the same as what this table displays. Besides, I think it would be better if the last four columns on the Google Sheet are brought next to the players names. (The columns I'm talking about are: Total Pts / Win-Loss / Win% / Tourney)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-01 05:18:37 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The two tables below made by Muli's script, and it uses the old Tour excel tables, this is the reasons (only thing I do that update the TOP10 names and points, so this is the only good right data below now)
A few months ago I asked Muli to change according to the new docs, but he was very busy in that time and I forgot remind him later. I will ask him again if he has freetime for it.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-01 05:31:44 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Only one event finished in October, congrats time! 111. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Black Sea to JV for his 4th(!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-02 06:02:40 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 10/2018 The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of November. Because only one 250 Series event finished in October which didn't cause much changes, I did a simplified (missed sections) monthly update now.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-15 04:43:08 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Five finished events, congrats time! 97. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - French Brawl to FiveStarGeneral for his 2nd Tour event win! (two Masters, nice) Here are the TOP16:  107. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Tor-ture to malakkan for his 5th (!!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  108. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Belarus to Terence Kill for his first Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  109. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Pangea Ultima to rakleader for his 7th (!!!) Tour event win! Here are the TOP16:  113. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Earthsea to kicorse for his 8th (!!!!) Tour event win! (and he has got two other (though lost) finals too, this guy is still on fire! :)) Here are the TOP16:
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