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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-15 04:43:08

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Five finished events, congrats time!

97. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - French Brawl
Congratulations to FiveStarGeneral for his 2nd Tour event win! (two Masters, nice)

Here are the TOP16:

107. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Tor-ture
Congratulations to malakkan for his 5th (!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

108. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Belarus
Congratulations to Terence Kill for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

109. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Pangea Ultima
Congratulations to rakleader for his 7th (!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

113. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Earthsea
Congratulations to kicorse for his 8th (!!!!) Tour event win!
(and he has got two other (though lost) finals too, this guy is still on fire! :))

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-15 07:21:40

Level 63
Congratz Terence! Stunning performance on Belarus and a nice win!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-26 05:14:42

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Two finished events, congrats time!

105. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - Old 1v1 Ladder
Congratulations to TheRiverStyxie for her first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

110. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Treasure Map
Congratulations to Beren for his 2nd Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

Edited 11/28/2018 08:23:50
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-26 17:08:38

Level 62
Oh boy did he do it, Well done Sir Styx
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-27 02:10:17

Level 61
grrr plat :P
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-27 02:10:25

Level 54
I believe it's Lady Styx y'all

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-27 08:15:50

Level 62
Wait what

you saying girls play video games?


she might be a fakevideogamer girl but not a real girl.. we all know girls don't play video games, that's just weird.. only barbie dolls
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-27 08:44:40

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
Styxxx = Glam 2.0
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-28 08:27:12

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Damn it, the personal pronoun :|
So sorry Styx!

(we don't have he/she in Hungarian language just simple "ő" ;))
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-28 09:15:39

Level 61
haha thanks Ekstone :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-28 12:52:01

Level 63
Wait, Styx is a lady? Ive been hugging a girl all this time? Gross!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-28 13:42:04

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Yea he's a woman.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-28 14:16:54

Level 62
Eww, Min hugged a girl, you're a gayboy now.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-11-28 22:04:35

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
(we don't have he/she in Hungarian language just simple "ő"

So you're telling me that feminists in Hungary got nothing to complain about? But there must be some random shit they can complain about, no?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-12-02 07:52:52

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Always there is some random shit for them, no? ;)
Anyways it is a serious topic, but right, some feminist make it ridiculous... they hurt the topic more than they help...

Ok, but back to here, I am really sorry about I made a him from Styx, but this is only because my weak English :|
But at least it turned out that Plat is a big feminist ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-12-04 05:07:27

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 11/2018
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of December.

I am reorganizing the Tour updates, and as a first step, I removed a few sections (thus saving about an hour per month for me ;)).
So from now on, only the two sections below (TOP10 and Tour records) will mean the standard Monthly Tour Updates, everything else will be in separate post(s) and won't be standard (=occasionally). Btw, no any informations will be lost, because everything can be found in the linked google docs.

Edited 12/4/2018 05:08:53
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-12-04 05:19:45

AWP Admin 
Level 34
As a fun fact, I collected the won events by clans (using the present clan member informations), so the TOP10 clan on the Tour now:
1. Lynx - 29 won events
2. Masters - 22
3. ONE! - 12
4. GG - 11
5. Ninjas - 7
6. MH - 6
7. Outlaws - 5
8. Clanless - 5
9. VS - 4
10. 101st - 3

Edited 12/4/2018 05:20:06
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-12-04 22:04:08

Level 61
Make AWP the new CL yeye. Every clan has one account they can play from. Swiss-style tourneys. Seed based on rankings or random.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-12-05 01:06:10

Level 62
Sure, go ahead and do it.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2018-12-05 02:01:16

Level 61
Lynx sucks <3

Edited 12/5/2018 02:01:26
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