Monthly Tour Race Update - 12/2018
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of January 2019.
The TOP20 on the 2018 Tour Race after December:

You can find the full list here (with all 2018 results and records sheets):
This section is back!
I didn't post this in the last two months, but I made the race google docs, so I now copy here them too (just for the records):
Ok, let's see the standing of the race for the TOP8 Tour Finals!
35 events finished, but still remained 15 ones, including one Grand Slam and three Masters which can change many things with those high possible points.
Kicorse is still in the first position with 5525 points, and although I don't calculate it but I am sure his qualification is 100%.
But the rest 7 places are still totally open!
I mean 10 players with about 2000-3000 points, and still some chance for the lower points players too!
Rento is still in the second position, and good chance to the qualification.
FiveStarGeneral rocketed up to the third position, as well as TheRiverStyxie to the 4th.
Malakkan got 1000+ points too and now 5th.
In the 6th-7th places we have two inactive (at least on the Tour) players, Quick and Buns. In that case if they will qualified for the TOP8 Tour Final but won't join then the next two (9th and 10th) players on the Rankings will be invited instead of them.
The last qualified place at the moment is belong to Timinator, but again, still many players have the chance to reach the TOP8 in the end (during the remained 15 events) so stay tuned ;)
Ah, and slowly it's time to fix the rules of this TOP8 Tour Final event.
My ideas so far:
- It will be a 8 players event, for the TOP8 players of the finished yearly Tour Race (based on the 50 events of the given year).
In case if somebody won't join to the event, then the next player on the Race Ranking will be invited.
- It will be a single elimination tournament with best of X format and seeding.
Since these features are currently not exists (neither officially nor CLOT), I will create the games manually.
The seeding will be 1. vs. 8., 2. vs 7., 3. vs 6., 4. vs 5.
I am still thinking about the X, maybe the the quarterfinals will be best of 5, the semifinals best of 7 and the Finals best of 9, but not sure yet.
- The templates will be choosen by the two players of the given fight
There will be a template election process before the fights, so won't be general templates (except the one deciding template), they always will be choosen by the two players who play in the given pairing as a first step. The template election process is not fixed yet, but something like this: the players choose (X+1)/2 templates (where X is come from best of X), and then they can veto one template of the opponent's choices, so we have X-1 templates and only need one common templates if will be a tie to decide. Maybe the common deciding template will be choosed by the two players too, or the winner of the Race before the event, I don't know yet. Oh, and perhaps will be mandatory choose from the different surfaces (Hard, Clay, Grass). So there still are many question mark regarding this topic.
- After we have the X-1 plus the deciding templates, I will create two games (on first template of player A and first template of player B), then if they finished I open the next two games, etc., and if will be a tie in the end, last step I open the deciding game. So there will be maximum two games at a time for the players from this event.
- I am not sure about it will be a scoring event or not (likely will be a scoring event).
Ok, this is my ideas so far, please feel free to write your opinions and advices, every help is appreciated.