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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-15 04:55:48

Level 55
Ahh, I found it (wasn't simple because I have -1 hour time zone from you :)), I updated it, but only with "under construction" text.

Well, I am (parallel) working on it, I am already in the last phase.

Until then here are some info we have already:

Grand Slam templates:
  • Old 1v1 Ladder (Strat ME 0% WR)
  • New 1v1 Ladder (Strat MME 0% SR)
  • Biomes of America
  • Blitzkrieg Borg
Masters templates:
  • Strategic Greece
  • French Brawl
  • Guiroma 16% SR
  • Battle Island V
  • Volcano Island
  • British Raj MDL version
  • Phobia SR
  • Macedonia No Split
500 Series templates:
  • China
  • EA&O
  • Strategic Commanders
  • Fast Earth
  • Pangea Ultima
  • Elitist Africa
  • Hannibal at the Gates
  • Poland
  • Cat Fight
  • Succession Wars LD
  • Malvia
Fixed 250 Series templates:
  • Gelvien Islands
  • Belarus
  • Georgia Army Cap
  • Turkey LD
  • MA Battle Island V
  • Sumo
  • Treasure Map
  • Numenor
  • EarthSea
  • Concordia (the changed version by Alex)
  • MDL Australia
So these are the updated 35 of 50 templates for fixed events. I mean:
  • every first Mondays of the Months will start a major event (Grand Slam or Masters),
  • every second Mondays of the Months (except December where will be only two events and after a Tour Holiday) will start a fixed 250 Series event and
  • every third Mondays of the Months (except December, then will be second Monday) will start a 500 Series event.
And for the rest 15 Mondays (fourth and fift Mondays of the Months) we won't use fixed templates, instead will be template pools (by categories), and after the Monthly update posts I will create a forum topic where the community can choose one (or two if will be 5 Mondays in the next Month) 250 Series template for the next Month from a given pool(s), or even the community can propose brand new templates too which aren't included in the template pools yet (in this case the template panel will validate first that new template, and then will become part of the template pool and maybe will be choosed for next month too).

This won't be a voting (it would be too long and difficult to organize that), I will choose the template(s) but very based on your posts. This is because I would like that the templates on the Tour won't be a static things but dynamic. I hope that these monthly topics (which will be an interface for the community regarding Tour templates) and the not fixed 15 events and template pools will guarantee this.


The other big changes will be (but only from 2020) that the present Seasons will be ceased, at least in their present form.
Won't be time segregated but distributed seasons.
I mean, now we have seasons segregated by time. We have 29 continuous weeks when opened SR events only, then 13 weeks when weird settings events only, then 8 week with WR events only. This is not very optimal, because for example:
  • if you hate the WR settings you will have 8 weeks pause on the Tour.
  • or if you adore the weird settings, you will must join too much tournaments in that 13 weeks period (and you will have uncomfortable many ongoing games)
  • or if you get bored of SR settings, well then you have damned long boring period on the Tour now :|
So instead of time segregation we will distribute the different type of templates evenly over the months.


So this is the present status and plans.
Now, I am collecting the templates for the template pools, then template panel will validate them.
But I understand you, so I give priority to this, and I will create a fixed schedule for 2019 Clay (weird) season asap.
And thank you for your patience.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-15 08:25:24

Level 62
I like your proposal for the Finals Ekstone.

Only difference is that Version 3 may lead to too many misunderstandings. Version 1 would be my choice.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-15 08:40:31

Level 62
Sorry but I don't understand version 3 at all :P It's too complicated.
The template pool in version 1 is diverse enough, I'd go with that one.
Btw I'm pretty sure that in pick/ban systems it's advantageous to go last, not first.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-16 04:36:54

Level 55
Hello there! I was wondering if you could invite me to AWP?

Hi, I added you to my invitation list, GL&HF!

About the template pool building phase:

Maybe the initial template pool could be collectively voted on?

What does "collectively" mean? Version 2, where the 8 participants voted on? Or do you mean the whole Tour community? :O

Sorry but I don't understand version 3 at all :P It's too complicated.

Or my English is not enough good to describe it well :(

Version 3 may lead to too many misunderstandings

I am sure, if you would see it in practice you would understand and like it ;)

Version 1 would be my choice.

The template pool in version 1 is diverse enough, I'd go with that one.

Ok, I see.
Although, I am thinking about a mixed version. I mean, that the two semifinals and the Finals would be version 3 (that means only 3 fights, and I really would like to show you how the version 3 runs in practice) the rest would be version 1 (so we will be able to see both versions in practice)

About the ban/pick/random template choosing phase:

Pick/Ban looks the most fun.

I think P/B would be cool too

Btw I'm pretty sure that in pick/ban systems it's advantageous to go last, not first.

Guys, help me that when you wrote "Pick/Ban" (or "P/B") you only refer to template choosing system generally or you want to say that picking steps before any bans would be better?

@Rento: why do you think that it's advantageous to go last?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-16 05:49:20

Level 61
I meant the 8 players involved when I said collectively. Meant the Picks/Bans choosing system in general would be interesting to try.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-16 08:05:04

Level 62
By pick/ban I mean when there's already an initial pool of templates and players take turns picking/banning them.

It's advantageous to go last because it lets you react to opponent moves and you have less chance of wasting your own moves.
Example: both players love MME. Player A picks MME. Player B can now pick his 2nd favourite template. It's a clear advantage if you know what I mean.

The advantage gets bigger as template pool is smaller. In extreme scenario, when 2 players pick 1 template each from a pool of 3, the first player to make a choice has (statistically) a 1-in-3 chance to waste his move by picking the same template his opponent would pick. The second player who makes the final pick out of 2 templates remaining has no chance to waste his move anymore.

All I said applies to map/template picking, where you FORCE opponent to play the settings you like. It doesn't apply to something like LoL character picking, where you pretty much STEAL the character from your opponent. Just to be clear.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-16 22:10:33

Level 60
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-16 22:11:28

Level 62
Can you keep inviting me to these?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-17 03:48:47

Level 55
You are welcome!

@{101st} Syphen
Yes, you are in my friend list (=invitation list), you will be invited on Wednesdays until unsubscribe.


@FSG, Rento
Thank you for clarifying, so you meant Picks/Bans choosing system in general, and not refer to the step order.

It's advantageous to go last because it lets you react to opponent moves and you have less chance of wasting your own moves.
Example: both players love MME. Player A picks MME. Player B can now pick his 2nd favourite template. It's a clear advantage if you know what I mean.

Interesting, but you are right. I mean interesting, because I remember that I read that the first step is better and belong to the higher seeded team in CS:GO. Maybe I read this when not simple 2bans 2picks 2bans was implemented but other step order where really better the first step, I dunno. Because the combination of the steps are endless, only depends on us which one will be used.

The advantage gets bigger as template pool is smaller. In extreme scenario, when 2 players pick 1 template each from a pool of 3, the first player to make a choice has (statistically) a 1-in-3 chance to waste his move by picking the same template his opponent would pick. The second player who makes the final pick out of 2 templates remaining has no chance to waste his move anymore.

Although this is not true imo. I mean here no wasted picks, because the remained template will be used for the decider game (in case of 1-1). Or if you have best of one (bo1) format, then after two bans the remained template will be played. But your previous paragraph is still true (in case of 2bans 2picks 2bans, etc. combination). And your last paragraph is true as well, the situation is very different when you stealing and not forcing things.

Ok, the simplest solution is that the higher seeded player will decide if he wants to be first or second ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-18 03:47:25

AWP Admin 
Level 34
As I promised, I created fixed schedule for 2019 Clay (weird) season:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-18 10:33:52

Level 59
I updated the Future events part with this too:

I updated the google docs as well (until the WR part)

Thank you!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-18 12:40:04

Level 60
It is Thursday. Why haven't I been invited?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-19 04:02:50

Level 55
You are welcome!

As you recognized in your mail, you have been invited, only this Fast Earth template seems very popular and filled in 2 hours :O
I replied to your mail.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-19 12:57:09

Level 60
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-29 15:15:45

Level 59
@FSG, Rento

You need to pay attention to which templates your opponent is good at. Back when the CORP ladder was around, I beat muddleszoom by reading into his quad-pick Partha on Rise of Rome, not the same situation but you can see what I mean.


You can also anti-strategise by looking at your opponents' games on one of their preferred templates, then deliberately leave it open and force your opponent to decide between one of your preferred templates and the one you anti-stratted.

Edited 4/29/2019 15:30:24
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-04-30 03:17:38

Level 61
Yes indeed, thanks. Although I will probably just ban annoying templates that I don't want to play ;]
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-05-01 04:17:49

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I will open a separated topic for Tour Final brainstorming to clarify the details.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-05-01 04:33:37

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Two finished events in April, congrats time!

130. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Unicorn Island
Congratulations to Turkish for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

132. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Sri Lanka
Congratulations to Turkish for his second Tour event win!
Turkish won all finished events in April, what a debut bro! ;)
And he defeated big names (Buns and Kicorse) in the Finals!

Here are the TOP16:

Edited 5/2/2019 03:46:09
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-05-02 04:14:24

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 04/2019
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of May 2019.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2019-05-02 23:49:06

Level 60
And I will be invited to all the tournaments? Like Grand Slams?
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