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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-02-08 12:35:28

Level 60
lol thank you :D
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-02-22 13:19:58

Level 60
hi. sorry for booting... last week was really busy. this next week won't be busy at all...
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-02-24 14:13:38

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Hey, how I will write news about you this way? ;)
Btw, how old viking are you? :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-02-24 22:50:46

Level 60
how old do you think I am? :)

Edited 2/25/2020 12:31:13
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-01 05:44:53

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I don't know, but it is not really important :)
I mean, you can be young (or older but young in spirit, like me :) ) and enthusiastic, just do not be a troll ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-01 06:04:19

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Four finished events in February, congrats time!

168. AWP World Tour - Grand Slam - New 1v1 Ladder
Congratulations to Kurdistan49 for his 4th (!!) Tour event win!
He saves 800 points for Kicorse regarding the battle of the Year End No.1, against Timi :)
And gain for himself of course :) He has got very nice rank already!

Here are the TOP16:

165. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Red Dead Redemption
Congratulations to tornado for his first Tour event win!
He was able to win among so many Lynxer :)
The only not Lynx winner in February :O

Here are the TOP16:

174. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Hannibal at the Gate
Congratulations to Jo Jo for his first Tour event win!
Another Lynx-ONE! battle, but Lynx winner this time :)

Here are the TOP16:

177. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Baltic Sea
Congratulations to krunx for his second Tour event win!
Lynxer everywhere! :)

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-01 12:50:55

Level 60
@Ekstone, one thing I love about reading your updates is how enthusiastic you are :))
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-02 04:07:55

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Yes, I do this for pure fun :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-02 05:15:40

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 02/2020
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of March 2020.

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-07 09:59:37

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Race Update - 02/2020

  • The TOP20 on the 2019 Tour Race after 2020 February:
    The table below are based on the status of the 1st of March 2020.

    You can find the full list here (with all 2019 results, events and records sheets):

  • Above you can see the official 2019 Race Rankings, with only the finished 2019 events.
    But I have updated the actual results from the 5 still ongoing 2019 events too, and here are the current (based on the status of 7th of March) live TOP25:

    This gives a better picture so I did my analysis based on this live Rankings.
    • Only 4 games left from 2019!
      (2 of the running 5 events finished meanwhile)
    • And two remained questions
      • Who will be the Year-end No.1 player in 2019?
        If Timi won his last game (China final) he will be the first seeded player on the Tour Finals 2020, and will have 265 points advantage over Kicorse, which mean Kicorse will need minimum a semifinal (two fight wins) on the Tour Finals for the title (if Timi loose his first fight again)
        If Timi lost his last game, Kicorse will be the first seeded player, and will have 135 points advantage, which means that need better result for Timi than Kicorse, for the title.
        Anyway, they will be the first and second seeded players, so maybe they will fight in the Final for the title!
        What a great battle it would be! :O
        But the prospective 2019 title defender (Rak/Buns/Alex) will have a few words, I am sure :)
        (all of them qualified to the 2020 event too)
      • Who will be the 2020 AWP World Champion?
        • 15 players already have qualified to the 2020 Tour Finals
          • The two players who fight for the 2020 year-end title:
            Kicorse, Timi
          • The three players who are still fighting for the 2019 title:
            Rak, Buns, Alex
          • Three Tour Final veteran (played in the first edition):
            FSG, MoD, Malakkan
          • and seven new faces:
            Hergul, Kurdistan, Suschel, Schwarz, Guest, Jo Jo and Wini
        • And only one space left!
          • Lew will qualify
            • if he win the China event (won against Suschel and Timi)
          • JV will qualify
            • if Lew won't win China event, and
            • JV win his last game against Hergul
          • Turkish will qualify
            • if Lew won't win China event, and
            • if JV won't win his last game

      To be continued, stay tuned! ;)
      And good luck & have fun for everybody on the Race!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-09 22:38:59

Level 63
GO rak!!!!! it s very excinting :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-18 22:38:06

Level 63
if Alex is in the final , so GO alex !!
sry rak , Lynx forever
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-23 05:30:38

AWP Admin 
Level 34
But there are many Lynxer in the final, not only Alex (Kicorse, Kurdistan, Jo Jo and Wini (and Turkish still has chance)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-03-23 21:50:42

Level 63
yes sry wrong chat! i m talking about AWP final 2019
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-04-01 10:08:10

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Six finished events in March, congrats time!

167. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - LOTR no cities
Congratulations to KKND for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

172. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - China
Congratulations to Timi for his 14th (!!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

175. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Discovery
Congratulations to Ragnar for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

176. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - EA&O
Congratulations to d-ceo for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

178. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - Post-Melt Antarctica
Congratulations to Hergul for his 5th (!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

182. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Reverse Tic-Tac-Toe
Congratulations to huddyj for his first Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-04-05 05:05:17

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Tour Update - 03/2020
The tables below are based on the status of the 1st of April 2020.

Edited 4/5/2020 05:06:21
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-04-05 05:41:14

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I plan to change the Tour system a bit.
From now, I stop the 52-week rolling ranking system (with expiration), and focus only on the annual Tour Races (closed with the AWP World Championships)

This will mean a much simpler (and only one) ranking system for you and less administrative work for me.
Still there will be monthly updates with records (although the record system will change a bit too), but that will mean Tour Race updates.
Plus I plan a weekly live race updates too (with results from ongoing events).

So my hope is that this new system will be much simpler, more exciting and more agile :)
Let me know if you have other opinions ;)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-04-05 09:00:54

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
The new system sounds good as well and as long as it means less administration work for you, I like it!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-04-10 09:52:37

AWP Admin 
Level 34
On May 30, the Tour will be 4 years old! :)
As usual, if the Tour birthday is around then a Tour Race final result is coming.
So here is the final result of the 2019 Tour Race with some statistics and records.

  • The TOP25 player from the finished 2019 Tour Race
    (counted only the 2019 events):

    A brief history of the 2019 Tour Race:
    • The year began with a strong run by Turkish, he won the first two finished 250 Series events, and by June, with a new 500 Series event win, he had already earned 80% (1200/1510) of his final points (which final point was enough for the qualification in this year)
    • By June, however, Kicorse began to dominate this Tour Race again, winning the first GS event (plus a 250 event too).
      FSG and Rak tried to keep up with him, but their backlog was already close to 1000 points.
      So a group of four players (Timi was the fourth with strong ongoing points) formed to fight for the first place.
    • By July, Kicorse had already an advantage of 1500 points (with a GS, Masters, 500 and 250 wins) on the live (with ongoing points) race, followed by Rak, Timi and FSG.
    • By September, Kicorse's run was still very very strong, with a new Masters and 250 event wins, but Timi managed to keep the point difference around 1500. Rak was in the third place, but already a 2300 points disadvantage, FSG was in 4th, but seemed to be completely behind with 3500 points disadvantage.
    • But after this, Kicorse decided that he finishes his competitive WZ carriers (and missed one GS and two Masters totally) :(
      Despite this, in November, his point (7355) advantage was still almost 1500 points against Timi (5900) on the live race! So Timi had a good challenge :)
      The third place was still held by Rak (4250) and the 4th by FSG (3590), but in this time appeared a new Italian hero whose points rose very quickly! Hergul (2900) the heir of Gnuffone and FlyingBender :)
      Schwarz, Kurdistan, Guest, Malakkan and MoD reached the 2000 points by this time, and qualified for the Tour Finals.
    • By January, Timi's point disadvantage was only 135 (7755-7620) on the live race by reaching two finals in a GS and Masters (which are missed by Kicorse), and needed to win one of the two for the takeover. It was tight :)
      Hergul got the third place (4650), followed by his clanmate, Rak (4270) and FSG (3890)
      Suschel, Buns and Wini qualified to the Tour Finals too, so only three places left in this time.
    • By February, Timi lost his GS final, so his only chance for the takeover if he won the China Masters.
      Jo Jo and Alex qualified too, so only one space left and three aspirants, Lew, JV and Turkish (if Lew and JV failed)
    • In the end, Timi succeeded, and won again the regular season!
      But both Lew and JV failed, so Turkish got the last qualification place.
    Soon, I will create the 2020 Tour Finals, and invite the qualified 16 players (and the reserves if some of them will decline)
    So stay tuned! ;)

  • Here are the full Rankings (including "Results", "Tour records" and "Events" tables) based on only 2019 events.

  • And here are some statistics from 2018:
    • 338 players joined to the Tour events during 2019 (and 618 total so far)
      • 17 players joined to 40 or more events
      • 41 players joined to 30 or more events
      • 78 players joined to 20 or more events
      • 138 players joined to 10 or more events
      • 180 players joined to 5 or more events
      • 278 players joined to 2 or more events
    • 50 tournaments
      • 4 - Grand Slams
      • 8 - Masters 1000
      • 12 - 500 Series
      • 26 - 250 Series
    • 3918 finished games

  • And here are the Tour records based on only 2019 events

GL&HF in the 2020 Tour Race as well!
Who will win the new race! :)

Edited 4/13/2020 04:32:57
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-04-13 05:02:47

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The new system sounds good as well and as long as it means less administration work for you, I like it!

To maintain that 52-weeks rolling rankings means only a few additional minutes per month (because the structure of google docs), so likely I will continue, but I would like to shift the focus to the Tour Race and especially to the Tour Finals.

Ok, this will be the new update system:
- I will do a very short monthly update, only with the TOP10 picture from the 52-weeks rolling rankings, and the TOP16 picture from the actual Tour Race and the link of the monthly google docs (I changed a few things (more automation)).
So I stop posting the Tour Records pictures (it will save 30 mins per month for me ;) ), but you can find the auto updated Tour Records in the google docs link.
- on Wednesdays, I will do weekly Live Tour Race update (with the results from the ongoing events - using Deadman's automation (and my automated google docs) so I just start two scripts ;) ) with the actual TOP25 picture of the Race and commentary only this.
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