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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-06-26 21:07:32

Level 61
I'll join if I meet the requirements.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-06-26 21:10:32

Level 61
I need some points, giff me points...
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-06-27 05:35:16

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I have added you to my invitation list, from now you will be invited to the Tour events on Wednesdays.

My advice:
  • join to the events (especially don’t miss GS events :P )
  • avoid the boots (especially on Masters events :P)
  • try to win more ;)
Seriously, you should really start collecting points for Tour Finals 2021 :O
Even Buns has more points than you on the Race :P
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-01 02:19:53

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Four finished events in June, congrats time!
Spoiler: Ninjas took it (almost) all :)

183. AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Battle Islands V
Congratulations to rakleader for his 13th (!!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

180. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Numenor
Congratulations to Hergul for his 6th (!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

188. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Gelvien Islands
Congratulations to Hergul for his 7th (!!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

190. AWP World Tour - 250 Series - Hopscotch
Congratulations to GuestNWHSzY for his 6th (!!) Tour event win!

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-01 03:31:04

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Monthly Official Tour Update - 06/2020

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-01 04:24:55

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Weekly Tour Race update - Week 27

  • The TOP25 on the 2020 Tour Race based on results from the finished and ongoing events so far:

  • You can find the full list here:

  • Around 82 games have been finished since the last update, and so far a total of 1753/3918.
    (These are approximate numbers because I register new players from finished events only once a month and the winnings of these new players are not counted by automation until that)

  • Tornado increased his advantage with a GS semifinal, his performance on 2020 GS events is very impressive so far!
    Guest won a 250 Series event, and got closer to Rak.
    Hergul continued to perform well in smaller events, and to collect points for qualification.
    Octane also overtook the inactive Kurdistan with a 500 Series finals.
    Malakkan entered the TOP10, with a 500 Series finals, 255 additional points was enough to move from 18th to 10th, so the race is very tight! Every point is important! ;)

  • Who will be the 16 fighters who will fight for the 2021 AWP World Champion title?! :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-09 03:49:41

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Weekly Tour Race update - Week 28

  • The TOP25 on the 2020 Tour Race based on results from the finished and ongoing events so far:

  • You can find the full list here:

  • Around 61 games have been finished since the last update, and so far a total of 1814/3918.
    (These are approximate numbers because I register new players from finished events only once a month and the winnings of these new players are not counted by automation until that)

  • Not too many games have been completed in the last 8 days, but mostly the end games of the events so they meant a lot of points.
    Rak passed the 2k (likely) qualification limit, congrats.
    Octane strengthened his TOP5 position by winning a 250 Series event.
    SoO stopped Tornado's march on this year's GS events, and with that GS finals he came up to the 8th place.
    Malakkan consolidated his place in the TOP10 with a 500 Series event win.
    The other GG fighter, ADHDnI also collected some nice points, and crossed the 1k point limit as the 12th player.
    89thlap rushed into the TOP25 with a single GS finals, if he wins the event it will be funny because as I see it he has not joined any other event, but 1,5k point alone is strong enough, we will see :)
    Master Bjarke is new in the TOP25 (Beren and Olja out)

  • Who will be the 16 fighters who will fight for the 2021 AWP World Champion title?! :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 05:48:03

AWP Admin 
Level 34
I’m thinking about that I would change the Tour Finals a bit.

I would start using wild cards.
Instead of the TOP16, only the TOP10 Tour Race player would qualify to the Tour Finals (with a likely 2500 points limit).

5 wild cards would go to the TOP5 players of MTL and I would decide on the last wild card.

I would determine the TOP5 MTL players based on the "First Rank on MTL (Streak)" (or (TotaL) ) leaderboard (http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/leaderboard)

If one of the TOP5 MTL players would decline the wild card or would qualify by a TOP10 position of the Tour Race, then the wild card would be offered to the 6th best MTL player, etc.
If more than 10 MTL players (of current 15) on the First Rank list would decline the wild card (or would qualify by Tour Race) then the wild card would be offered to the 11th Tour Race player, etc.

I would offer the last wild card to an old legend (if I can convince her/him to return :) ) or to a young emerging hot player (or simple to the next best MTL player it the top all accepted the wild cards)

I would change the name of the event from AWP Tour Finals to AWP World Championship (the name of the title is already this)

Maybe I would change the current best of 3 first round format to best of 5 format too.

So these are my plans.
What do you think? What are your opinions, what are your suggestions?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 06:40:50

Level 63
So someone playing all AWP tournaments but finishing 11th will miss out completely for the championship in place of somebody else who need not have played a single AWP tournament all year? I am not a fan of this idea.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 06:44:36

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I do like the idea.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 07:05:08

Level 61
If this is a response to me potentially qualifying for the finals with only having participated in one tournament let me point out that I have no intentions to play the finals in case I happen to qualify. I don't wanna take away a spot from someone who's been playing dozens of tournaments trying to accumulate as many points as possible. After all I don't think I'll be able to qualify with 1500 points anyway.

Concerning your suggestion: I feel like that would be a major change to the event. It would increase quality of the AWP finals but it would also make it a different event. The tour finals should be reserved for the players of the AWP tour in my opinion. If you want to give out wild cards it should be very limited. Like maybe only one or two wildcards in case that players who qualified for the finals decide to drop out.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 07:36:53

Level 55
No, it's not because of your case at all, I've been thinking about this for a while.

@huddyj, 89thlap
As I mentioned, I would rename the event itself.
AWP World Championship would not be part of the Tour.
Although, most of the qualifiers would come from the Tour Race (minimum 10) currently.

So the wild card isn't a good word here, better qualifying slot.
So 10 qualifying slots from Tour Race (TOP10)
5 qualifying slots from MTL (TOP5 in the First Rank leaderboard)
And only one wild card, decided by me.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 08:42:45

Level 61
Okay, didn't know you were planning to make this a different event that is separated from the tour. In that case your suggestion is reasonable of course. It would certainly bring together two of the strongest competitions. However, depending on which MTL leaderboard you're going to look at, you might end up inviting the same players again and again without them needing to put in any effort at all. Like you said "First Rank Leaderboard", Rufus is leading by so much he could afford not playing MTL for a few years and he would still qualify for the AWP World Championchips. I wouldn't really consider that a valid qualification process. Unless I misunderstood which leaderboard you're having in mind here.

The fairest solution could be to have an MTL leaderboard that gives out points each day that a player is ranked on MTL. The higher you're ranked the more points you receive. Points will be accumulated for 365 days and deleted just before the AWP World Championship event starts. This would require some work to implement though. It was just a quick idea I had, since it seems difficult to find a method to select the best 5 MTL players throughout a year.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 09:21:13

Level 63
If you really want to include outside competitions towards the Finals I'd suggest getting rid of the "AWP" part in the title.

Although personally I'd just prefer a different system that doesnt include other competitions. I agree winning one big tournament shouldnt be enough to get into the top 16 and qualify for the finals. But I think there could be simpler solutions to help this (outside of the change in points for winning these events) such as a slight multiplier in points for every tournament you play in or a simple requirement to have played in "X amount of AWP tournaments" before you can participate in the Finals.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 10:24:39

Level 63
i m not a fan of your idea!! AWP is AWP and MTL is MTL
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 10:45:48

Level 63
@ekstone i m also not a fan of this new idea.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 10:47:03

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
I agree with 89th that the board you picked now isn't the one that should be used if you insist on combining the AWP with MTL; You picked a board that is about a streak, which means it takes at the very least 36 days to get in there, and that is if you can hold 1st for that long. In order for Rufus to be kicked out of there at least 5 other people would have to have a streak of 110+ days, that's realistically not going to happen in years and years, even if he doesn't play at all.

You'd have to set up a new sort of format, but this feels like a separate event at that point, so I'd also agree to get rid of AWP in the title, and do this separately from the tour finals, which I'd keep in place the way it is right now.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 11:40:32

Level 61
I do not like the idea Ekstone. The set-up right now is fine I think. Perhaps you can add an extra requirment for the tour finals. For example that a player need to have played in at least 3 master tournaments or 5 250 series, or must have won at least 25 games in the AWP tour.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 12:17:53

Corn Silver 
Level 62

I would start using wild cards.
Instead of the TOP16, only the TOP10 Tour Race player would qualify to the Tour Finals (with a likely 2500 points limit).

5 wild cards would go to the TOP5 players of MTL and I would decide on the last wild card.

Honestly Ekstone, I hate the idea. It's a Tour Finals for the best AWP players. Players 11-16 get rewarded for participating, and it gives a shot to upcoming ambitious players to qualify for the Tour Finals and test themselves against the best. No need to change this, it's great as it is.

Now, if you want a tournament that was about pitting the best against the best, legends against the top players today, and so on, there's lots of space for a new tournament designed to do this (one that's separate from the AWP Tour Finals). I think Pardon was thinking maybe of doing this for MTL champions, for example.

Edited 7/13/2020 12:18:34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2020-07-13 13:34:37

Level 68
I don’t like the idea either. You’ve put a lot of work into AWP and it can stand by itself.

There is room for improvement on how long the AWP finals take though. It’s been going on for over a year for 2019 finals and me and Rak have only completed 5 out of potentially 11 games. Against a slow player who takes three days for most turns it slightly spoils the event.

I have no idea how this can be fixed and maintain the high level competition :(
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