Level 55
I’ve been wanting to make this thank you post for a very long time, but I’ve only been able to put it together just now. To many, it may seem that creating and running the AWP World Tour is only my merit, but many people have helped me over time and now I want to thank them for that. So thank you to the following contributors for their help in this cool AWP World Tour adventure: - First of all, thanks to Fizzer for creating this great game!
Without it, there would be no AWP World Tour :) And he often helped me out when I had a problem.
- I would like to thank the following people for their programming help
- Deadman
His Google script is a huge help in automating recording and scoring results, saving a lot of time in administration. And he also contributed a few ideas to the development of the Tour (e.g. the new design).
- Krzysztof
Without his scripts to automate invitations, I would have gone crazy for sure from a lot of invite clicks :)
- Muli
He embedded to his script the AWP https://www.warzone.com/Forum/106092-mulis-userscript-tidy-up-dashboard?Offset=482
I would like to thank the following people for their administrative help
- PJ (he also helped with ideas e.g. the much easier monthly system)
- s1gmoyd (he also helped with ideas e.g. auto ranking)
- Ƨillynamenace
- malakkan
- Min34
- psykkoman
I would like to thank the members of the template panels
- 2017
Buns, Rakleader, MIFRAN, MoD, Wini, ANT, Panagiotis
- 2018
Quicksilver, Rakleader, Timinator, MoD, Wini, Buns, Malakkan
- 2019
Kicorse, Rento, Quicksilver, Beren, Timinator, AI, FSG, Rakleader, Platinium, MoD, RiverStyxie, Buns, Malakkan, JV
- 2020
Beren, MoD, Timinator, Alexclusive, AI, Rakleader, FSG, Buns, Hergul, GuestNWHSzY, Rento, Kicorse, Schwarz
- 2021
AI, Tornado, Hergul, Beren, Rakleader, FSG, Timinator, Alexclusive, MoD, Buns, GuestNWHSzY, ADHDnI, Jimmy I would like to thank you for the coin donations from which we purchased the AWP admin's membership
Buns - 1,600, Malakkan - 800, Rakleader - 800, John John Johnson - 800, PJ017 - 800, Sloppyfatginger - 400, Darkpie - 320, Nemo - 80 and Quicksilver who organized it and made up the shortfall. And finally I want to thank the great players I was able to cheer for and the great Tour achievements I really enjoyed
- The biggest still active Tour stars
Buns, MoD, Timi, Rak
- Inactive former big Tour stars
Kicorse (still holds quite a few Tour records!), MIFRAN, Panagiotis (two inactive members of the former "Big Four" :) )
- Some personal favorite stars in addition to the above :)
Quicksilver, FSG, Hergul, FlyingBender, Ollie
- And a few more Tour stars with great performance
Tornado, Malakkan, Rento, AI, Kurdistan, Guest, Octane, JV and many more from the top of the Tour record lists :) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS89sGasJqkAPEc4nHuk7uslgjMBS16_8okg8ME0fHg25e1NPJ_knZQr5NeKcb8wKlfxirQ0cn2-2c2/pubhtml
I hope I didn't miss anyone, five years is a long time and really a lot of people helped. Thanks again to everyone! I put this into the TOC in the first page, so you can find it there too https://www.warzone.com/Forum/262655-awp-world-tour-magazine?Offset=15