AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-07 16:35:12 |
Level 67
Without wishing to disappoint, I'm fairly sure it's been a seasonal template previously...
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-08 00:05:53 |
Level 67
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-10 22:41:34 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The second event of 2022 is a 250 series tournament, held on the Snow Mountains MA template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour, and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-12 22:45:09 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Invites sent to everyone who joined 1+ tournament in 2021, has requested a wild card or belongs to a clan in Div A of this season's Clan League.
As always, happy to remove someone from the invite list - just let me know!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-13 20:19:03 |
Photonic Symmetry
Level 60
Hey Dom, is there a new spreadsheet for AWP 2022? And who is hosting the finals this year?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-13 23:05:02 |
Level 67
Same spreadsheet. The events tab has been updated, and extended to the end of 2022. A results tab will be created at some point, but it's not urgent, since no tournament will finish for a few weeks minimum, likely longer!
Unsure on 2021 Finals yet, maybe a joint admin effort, although if I'm involved (which looks likely), I'll ask someone else to step in for those matches to avoid any bias.
Edited 1/14/2022 09:00:37
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-17 22:59:00 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The third event of 2022 is a 500 series tournament, held on the Black Sea template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-24 22:03:29 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The fourth event of 2022 is a 250 series tournament, held on the Gotham City template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-31 21:35:03 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The fifth event of 2022 is a Masters 1000 tournament, held on the Strategic Greece template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
Edited 2/7/2022 21:42:04
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-01-31 21:51:39 |
Photonic Symmetry
Level 60
Hey Dom.
I have a suggestion for the invites. Could you also add players over a given threshold MTL rating to your invite list (that aren't already on the list)? Like players with a peak rating over 1700 or 1800? (Can be found in the leaderboard section of the MTL page.) We're missing some faces like Asurados and Serfen in the tourneys and I'm wondering if it is because they asked to be removed or just haven't been invited.
I'm talking about the general invite list BTW. Not the initial invites.
Anyhow, I appreciate all you have done so far!
Edited 1/31/2022 22:08:59
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-02-07 21:42:51 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
I like that idea! Since I took over, I've added everyone from scratch, so no-one is yet excluded at their request - adding MTL players makes sense!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-02-07 22:23:18 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The sixth event of 2022 is a 250 series tournament, held on the Treasure Map template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-02-15 22:29:44 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The seventh event of 2022 is a 500 series tournament, held on the Timid Lands template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-02-21 17:21:39 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The eighth event of 2022 is a 250 series tournament, held on the Sumo template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list, and a few players from top clans too. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-02-28 20:10:04 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The ninth event of 2022 is a Masters 1000 tournament, held on the Elitist Africa 3.0 template.Tournament link: have invited the top 64 from the 2021 Tour (plus a few more to cover inactives), and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-03-07 22:05:54 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The tenth event of 2022 is a 250 series tournament, held on the Succession Wars template.Tournament link: have invited the top 50 from the 2021 Tour, as well as the top 20 from the 2022 Tour, and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2022-03-14 22:08:50 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
The eleventh event of 2022 is a 500 series tournament, held on the Numenor template.Tournament link: have invited the top 50 from the 2021 Tour, as well as the top 20 from the 2022 Tour, and in a few days, will invite the rest of the invite list. If you want to be invited to the invite list, just drop a message here / PM this account! Similarly, I have added quite a few new players, so if you're not interested and want to be removed from the invite list, just let me know.Thanks, Dom
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