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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-26 16:04:22

AWP Admin 
Level 34
@FALSTAFF I randomly checked tournaments and you have been invited to all of the ones I checked, can you specify some tournaments you have not been invited so I can investigate more?
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-26 16:11:27

Level 65
My guess is it’s one of the recent ones. For the last few tournaments they started to invite top 64 first, and only after a few days others are invited if it doesn’t fill. So if you’re not in top 64, you won’t get invited in the first round of invites.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-28 09:40:52

Level 61
Ho maybe I ve been invited to all then, but with no notification..?
But for instance I ve never seen any for:
-Strategic Yin
-Rad Osil
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-28 09:42:04

Level 61
@tornado I'm actually ranked 42 at the moment. So i don't know it this is because of that.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-28 11:40:41

AWP Admin 
Level 34
You result regularly invited to all the above mentioned tournaments, so there is not much I can do.

My best guess is that the torunaments have already filled before you had the chance to see them. This is mostly congruent with the fact that 3 out of 4 tournaments you mentioned were tournaments with no priority invites that often fill within a couple hours from creation. (stranger is the Rad Osil case)

Priority invites were implemented again to prevent such cases.

Edit: looking closer a possible explanation for the Rad Osil case is that you were not in the top 64 when the tournament was created, therefore there was not much time between your invitation and the filling of the tournament.

Edited 4/28/2023 11:58:32
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-28 13:57:35

Level 61
Ok thanks for your reply!
I will try to check more often tournament's invitation then! Good job anyway!

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-04-30 20:01:52

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The eighteenth tournament for the year is now here - a Master 1000 tournament on the Strategic Commander template!


Since this is a Master tournament everybody has been invited at the same time.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-05-07 22:43:21

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The nineteenth tournament for the year is now here - a 250 Series tournament on the Cosmo Land template!


The top 64 players of the current updated 2023 AWP rankings have been invited to the tournament, the rest of the players will be invited in the following days.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-05-14 23:16:24

AWP Admin 
Level 34
With Jack Norris winning the last running tournament (congratulations to him!), the AWP World Tour Regular Season 2022 has officially concluded.

What an incredible season we had, engaging tournaments and breathtaking duels!
Congratulations to Tornado for (another!) exstraordinary season, he won 3/4 Grand Slams, 3 Masters 1000 and 5 other tournaments, gaining the top spot with staggering 4590 points distance from the second!

Here is the final full updated spreadsheet for the 2022 regular season:

And now it is Playoff season! We have a separate forum thread for this that you can check at this link:

Edited 5/14/2023 23:19:04
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-05-15 00:14:24

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twentieth tournament for the year is now here - a 500 Series tournament on the Blitzkrieg Bork template!


Due to the recent update of the site, the html code changed thus the old codes that we used for inviting people to the tournaments don't work anymore.
I managed to create a script to invite everybody (that was the most urgent thing to keep the Tour going), therefore everybody has been invited to this event at the same time even if this is a 500 series tournament.

If anybody has the time and competence to create a script to get the top 64 players from the spreadsheet and invite just them in the current newer version of the site it would be amazing. Any help would be much apreciated!
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-05-22 16:06:28

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-first tournament for the year is now here - a 250 Series tournament on the Greece Auto LD template!


As for previuous posts everybody has been invited together.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-05-29 07:48:27

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-second tournament for the year is now here - a 250 Series tournament on the Small Earth template!
(Heads up: this is not the Clan Wars/QuickMatch template)


As for previuous posts everybody has been invited together.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-06-05 21:29:31

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-third tournament for the year is now here - a Master 1000 tournament on the Biomes of America template!


As for previuous posts everybody has been invited together.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-06-11 21:31:48

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-fourth tournament for the year is now here - a 250 Series tournament on the Gotham City template!


As for previuous posts everybody has been invited together.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-06-19 14:47:36

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-fifth tournament for the year is now here - a 500 Series tournament on the Great Lakes template!


As for previuous posts everybody has been invited together.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-06-27 10:21:54

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-sixth tournament for the year is now here - a 250 Series tournament on the Macedonia No Split template!


As for previous posts everybody has been invited together.

Edited 6/28/2023 13:40:49
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-06-27 19:12:36

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
^ this is great lakes :)
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-06-28 13:41:19

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Edited, thanks.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-07-05 11:37:12

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-seventh tournament for the year is now here - a Grand Slam tournament on the Guiroma 16% SR template!


As for previous posts everybody has been invited together.
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2023-07-13 12:12:24

AWP Admin 
Level 34
The twenty-eighth tournament for the year is now here - a 250 Series tournament on the World of Warhammer template!


As per previous posts, everybody has been invited together.
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