If Whites are the master race, how the hell did the "inferior race of Jews" build a world-order conspiracy? Wouldn't that make them the master race? How did the "inferior race of Slavs" build history's only superpower besides the US? What about East Asians? Are they inferior to Whites, even though they were the greatest powers in history up until about 1600?
Hitler goes into detail on this in Mein Kampf. Basically the Jews run a global conspiracy to subvert and steal the natural destiny of the master race.
You'd know this if you'd actually read the literature before ignorantly deciding that white supremacists are somehow on the wrong side of history, science, and pretty much any field that even slightly values human curiosity and knowledge.
from a Darwinist standpoint, completely bankrupting a civilization is an exercise in disgenics.
the group that engages in subterfuge (your "master race" Jews) sees immediate victory, but the irreversible consequences of a return to barbarism eventually consumes everyone.
The Jewish conspiracy against the West was unrecognized by the early foreseers of decline. Oswald Spengler was himself 1/8 Jewish. It was never accepted among the traditionalists that Jews were the great match of Western civilization that single-handedly brought the West crashing down.
As a culture-turned civilization rationalizes and materializes, that is, once faith, family, tradition, and honor are no longer prerequisites for power, groups that excel at trickery and subversion can ease their way to the top. There is nothing special about Jews. If not for Jews another group would have taken their place.
The moribund West was destroyed by subversive elements and parasites, but that was only possible after its decline.
A good analogy is this: I can die of cancer, but for cancer to begin my health will most likely have to decline and I will have to reach old age.
So to the West, was only vulnerable to subversion after its decline.
The plebeian and democratic nature of racial nationalism (taking pride in race alone) was recognized by traditionalists. I am thinking particularly of Julius Evola's ideas.
what ox presents is actually a strawman argument that should be directed at stormfront posters.
Membership in a racial group is merely a prerequisite for a civilization to avoid subversion and parasitism. It is a pragmatic policy. The actual end goal is cultural health, and a culture that values its health will naturally develop a distinct racial pattern.