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Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-08 06:06:52

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Division B official thread for Clan League 10!

Link To CLOT: http://clan-league.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/

Clans, Alphabetically:
Fifth Column Confederation (FCC)
The Juggernauts Clan (TJC)
List of Resources:
Announcements: 			https://www.warzone.com/Forum/294823-clan-league-10-announcements
Sign up                         https://www.warzone.com/Forum/294822-clan-league-10-signups
Link to CLOT     	      	http://clan-league.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/
Predictions           	      	https://www.warzone.com/Forum/297427-clan-league-predictions
Three of the 1v1 tournaments and all team tournaments will commence at the beginning
of Clan League with games being created one at a time. Each subsequent 1v1 game will be 
created at 10 day intervals. Team games will be created at 25 day intervals.

Following the transfer window the second set of three 1v1 
tournaments and the remaining team games will begin.
Tournament Winners
3v3 Biomes:			 TBD
3v3 Europe:			 TBD
2v2 Volcano Island:		 TBD
2v2 Szeurope: 		 	 TBD
2v2 Final Earth			 TBD
1v1 Elitist Africa:       	 TBD
1v1 French Brawl:		 TBD
1v1 Guiroma: 			 TBD
1v1 Pangea Ultima:		 TBD
1v1 Greece: 			 TBD
1v1 Battle Islands V:		 TBD
Quick Update: By Points Scored (Last update: 17:34z 5/20):

TJC 			33
Sninja			32
WG			27
Statisticians		16
Hydra			12
FCC			3

Quick Update: By Max Points:

Sninja			197
TJC			187
Statisticians		185
WG			185
Hydra			170
FCC			153

  • I plan on doing quick updates as frequently as my schedule allows. This could be once every two to three days.
  • Comprehensive Updates will come once a week between 0z and 6z Saturdays.
  • Updates will be provided for tournament wins
  • I prioritize school first, so be patient if an update comes late.

Good Luck to everyone!

-[FCC] Aura Guardian

May the Aura Forever Guide You

Edited 5/20/2018 15:34:30
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-09 00:42:00

Level 60
I like that every thread is being created and managed by different people. Will be interesting to see the format variants and styles each person does for these threads.
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-09 07:24:50

Level 63
MrTrolldemort knows how to have a good time!! ;)
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-09 15:26:52

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61

Just a bit of harmless fun , don't take it too personal anyone. Wishing all clans an enjoyable season.
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-10 02:41:17

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Quick Update:

We have our first action of the season guys. And no, not a game completed. Its a substitution....

4/3/2018 8:12:31 PM  Statisticians	Strategic Greece	Math Wolf	Mictlantecuhtli

Well, that means that Statisticians now have 9 substitutions, whereas the rest still have 10.

As for polls,

http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/sknazr/cl9-div-b Wanna rank em? Here you go!
http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/ygywei/cl9-div-b/view Wanna see the results? Here you go!

Edited 4/10/2018 02:41:25
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-10 21:33:00

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Quick Update:

First game completed. WG had to do nothing to defeat FCC in final earth, as FCC did not realize dippy did not have the level for final earth. Needless to say, FCC did substitute out dippy for another player -> TableTrivia, in response:

4/10/2018 4:23:19 PM Fifth Column Confederation	Final Earth	dippy	TABLETRIVIA

Substitutions Remaining
Hydra		10
TJC		10
Sninja		10
WG		 10
FCC		 9
Statisticians	 9

Nevertheless, congratulations to WG for scoring the first points in division B!

Edited 4/10/2018 21:39:26
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-10 21:48:23

Aura Guardian 
Level 62

My apologies, it was sninja who scored the first points, with a 1v1 win over WG on french brawl. Fire me now lmao.
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-11 01:14:25

Level 60
Of to a great start :P
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-11 02:50:30

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Can [FCC] match Olympus' record of ineptitude? Stay tuned to find out...
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-14 05:22:57

The Endless Zero
Level 57

Due to current school demands, I will be unable to provide an update for this week. I apologize for the inconvenience. When I build the progressions I will definitely recall this timestamp.

Edited 4/14/2018 05:23:06
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-14 12:19:22

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Votes from https://www.warzone.com/Forum/297660-clan-league-predictions-competition for Division B

Edited 4/14/2018 12:19:40
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-15 04:18:17

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
In liu of a comprehensive update, I will give a quick update with a little more detail.

Quick Update: By Points Scored:

Sninja			6
WG			4
FCC			3
Statisticians		3
TJC			3
Hyra			0

Quick Update: By Max Points:

Sninja		200
Statisticains	200
WG		197
TJC		197
Hydra`		194
FCC		193

Alphabetical Analysis of Each Clan:

A definition of paying for a manager's mistake. Placing in dippy without realizing he was not leveled to play it was my fault and solely my fault. I take responsibility for the lost points. On the 1v1 side, Elizijaus takes the W over Milly, and Nano_Midget Loses to razor. So FCC has three points, but 2 losses alongside it. Seems an early hole was dug. This team is going to have to push back before the early hole becomes an early grave.

Hydra Lost its first two 1v1 games against FCC and Statisticians, and have yet to win a single game as of yet. However, its early, so we shall have yet to see where Great Expanse's brainchild without Great Expanse will trend.

Sninja starts off hot, thanks to two quick wins against Verzehrer of WG and Ikillu of TJC. 2-0 in the 1v1 category posits them into an early lead. I wish them the best of luck.

One completed 1v1 game for the statisticians, and along with Sninja, are the only teams yet to have a loss. Yeon's defeat of Milly hopefully suggests the player is back and taking clan league more seriously this time around.

TJC is 1 and 1 in the 1v1 column to start off, with a win logged against FCC and a loss against Sninja. As always, still too early to tell which direction this clan is headed.

With a gift from FCC, WG now has 4 points to counteract their first loss against Sninja. Not much ado otherwise.

This is, as expected, still wide open, and we shall see how this division evolves as time progresses.

Edited 4/15/2018 04:48:48
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-21 14:43:03

Level 61
For some reason I get an error when I try to visit div B page on the CL site :/

Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-21 15:42:14

Level 64
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-21 22:15:29

The Endless Zero
Level 57
When building the progression, will recall T-24 this timestamp.
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-21 22:30:22

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
In liu of a comprehensive update, (once again, due to school demands), I will give a quick update with a little more detail.

Quick Update: By Points Scored:

Sninja			9
WG			7
TJC			6
FCC			3
Statisticians		3
Hydra			0

Quick Update: By Max Points:

Sninja		200
Statisticains	197
WG		197
TJC		197
Hydra		191
FCC		190

Alphabetical Analysis of Each Clan:

FCC continues to bleed, as Eliziejaus unexpectedly goes inactive, and Nanomidget drops a few games. It looks like FCC might be unable to avoid the inevitable.

Hydra drops another 1v1 game, and is still looking for its first win of the season.

Sninja adds another win, and continues to maintain first place. They are now the only team who have not yet lost a game.

With dry-clean-only bettering Jackie Treehorn, statisticians is handed its first loss of the season.

TJC's win against statisticians posits them at 2-1 for their 1v1 record. They sit nicely to contend right now.

WG adds a 1v1 giving them now 7 points overall.

This is, as expected, still wide open, and we shall see how this division evolves as time progresses.

Edited 4/21/2018 22:32:45
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-27 10:42:47

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
Hydra ain't so hot right now :O
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-29 02:23:43

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Comprehensive Update I:

Well, school was intense. Now I have finals to contend with. At least this time I can spare a little time and give you guys somewhat of a better update.

Yea, I apologize for my sad alternativies to updates, as well as I sincerely apologize for the poor play FCC has dished out. Its all my fault, I swear. Well, maybe not. We were thin to start. But then we lost Eliziejaus AND Phantom Assasions, as well as Shaikh going inactive to the point where we removed him from the clan after roster deadline, then showed up right before clan league started (learned that lesson the hard way). At least he is back. Midseason will be intersting tho. Going to have to maximize those substitutions. It would be nice to get some better players on the roster. Maybe Bannana will be back up to speed by then. Who knows. What I do know is at this point I would be blessed if FCC stayed in B. In any case, here is what you all really wanted, a bunch of stats!

Quick Update: By Points Scored:

Sninja			24
TJC			19
WG			15
Statisticians		13
FCC			3
Hydra			3

Quick Update: By Max Points:

Sninja			200
TJC			194
Statisticians		192
WG			188
Hydra			177
FCC			172

Completed Games: (Bold detonates winner)

1v1: Guiroma
Sninja vs WG 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15458780 (4/27)
Statisticians vs WG 		https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15389939 (4/27)
TJC vs FCC			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15458781 (4/22)
Sninja vs TJC 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15389938 (4/14)
FCC vs Hydra			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15389937 (4/11)

1v1: French Brawl

Hydra vs FCC		 	https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15439120 (4/27)
WG vs FCC			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15506236 (4/27)
Statisticians vs WG  		https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15439123 (4/24)
Sninja vs TJC 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15439121 (4/21)
TJC vs FCC 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15375981 (4/12)
Sninja vs WG			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15375980 (4/9)

1v1: Elitist Africa:

Sninja vs FCC 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15409894 (4/21)
TJC vs Statisticians		https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15409893 (4/21)
WG vs Hydra 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15409890 (4/21)

2v2: Final Earth

WG vs FCC 			DELETED (I am so sorry smoove. I was looking forward to this game too :/)

2v2 Volcano Island

Sninja vs Hydra 		https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15409895 (4/24)
Statisticans vs Hydra 		https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=15409896 (4/23)

2v2 Szeurope

-No New Games Completed

3v3 Europe

Sninja vs Statisticians		https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID15375992 (4/28)
TJC vs Hydra 			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID15375990 (4/27)

3v3 Biomes

TJC vs Hydra			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID15389944 (4/26)
WG vs FCC			https://www.warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID15389943 (4/25)

Edited 4/29/2018 03:03:53
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-29 02:27:59

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
The Horse Race:



I think what is most surprising so far this clan league is that sninja is in first, and WG is in fourth, at this stage. Most people thought that WG would pretty much take this one, but its shaping up to be more competative than expected, with unexpected good showings by TJC and statisticians. Indeed, Sninja's dominance thus far is profound, and still remains the sole undefeated team in this division. Contrast to second place which is already 6 points behind.

We are starting to see a divide between the top four and bottom two clans. Hydra and FCC seem destined to relegate at this rate, unless something changes, and fast. Otherwise, its a fierce fight for the top four. FCC's floundering does not come as a suprise, however Hydra had the talent to do well, so their poor performance is surprising. Nevertheless, it would not be a surprise if the divide continues to grow, unless the midseason registration window can save these clans.

TJC might actually promote to A if they can keep up the pace. Of course, this is still very much wide open, and still anything could happen. Stay tuned!

Edited 4/29/2018 03:02:14
Clan League 10: Division B Official Thread: 2018-04-29 08:59:04

Level 65
We are starting to see a divide between the top four and bottom two clans. Hydra and FCC seem destined to relegate at this rate, unless something changes, and fast

Have some hope, only one clan will relegate from B!
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