#5 the "hedja" announce retirement and continue to say you are quitting for months but in actuality just reduce multi day games
I have 3 games left, quit both ladders, 1 tourny which is never going to end, so when the 3 games finish, which should be soon, I'm gone from wl for good ;)
[GG] Master of Strategy was Gnuff's alt, for you guys that want evidence here it is:
http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=4769673After saying in public "with my old account i played only 350 games, only 1v1s, never against you."
He says as soon as the game is over in private chat "i'm sorry for being liar with you, we had play many games. sorry."
I'll copy out the first part of our chat which is about his clan infiltration:
hedja - haha doesnt matter :D
hedja - if you feel i am trustworthy enough not to tell anyone who you are tell me, i am interested
hedja - but if you dont think i can keep a secret then you dont need to :D
MoS - ok, i will trust you.
MoS - I'll give you clues
hedja - what nationality?
MoS - 1) be 1st on aldder 1v1 {funny how his achievements are the first things that he talks about....}
hedja - there have been so many ladder 1v1s :P
MoS - italy. now you know. keep secret, is kinda important.
hedja - number *1s
hedja - flyingbender? gnuff?
MoS - lol don't know bender take 1st lolol
hedja - not flyingbender actually, not a member
hedja - btw why the hell are you in relite if you are in wm :D
MoS - i like spy other clan.
MoS - i am on REGL too.
hedja - do they know you are gnuff?
MoS - anyway i'm going to retire as soon as 20 A ended. {this is 8 months ago btw}
Mos - lol no, nobody know i'm gnuff. only fridge
hedja - what will you do if you reach final with gnuff and this account?
Mos - i was not playing with my acc gnuff, another player was playingwith it, but he fail.
but i cannot tell you who he is, he is retired, and od'nt want say he lay from time to time.
hedja - why tell me it is someone else and then not tell me who it is :P
MoS - because is against rule play with 2 acc live toruney, and unfair.
hedja - wait so you are playing both accounts but say it is someone else so it isnt unfair?
MoS - is unfair if i play with really both.
hedja - why are you as alt and retired plaeyr as you, not other way around?
MoS - gnuff-->a retired player, master--> me.
MoS - bc i have not another secret alt with at least level 2 for join torurney, and i don't want let see him relite chat.
hedja - ah ok
MoS - don't write here, i am elaving this account,
hedja - kk, you going back to gnuff account and retired guy leaving?
MoS - he already leave, when he lost he message me on skype saying he was leaving.
To be honest at the time I thought it was strange, but didn't think much of it, but I've now realised from that position he could influence clan competitions with that account.
Also, sorry if this post is a bit long, just didn't want Wid to have anything to complain about ;)
Edited 3/8/2014 18:25:10